Cramps in hands and legs | Cramps in the legs – What helps best?

Cramps in hands and legs

Less frequently than in the legs, muscle cramps occur in the hands. The fingers usually contract due to the cramp and the affected person is no longer able to grasp or hold anything. The causes of cramps in the hands are similar to those of cramps in the legs. More often than with calf cramps, a disturbed blood supply can be caused by a lack of oxygen in the muscle. To relieve the cramp, the muscles can be relaxed by stretching and massaging the hands.

Cramps despite magnesium intake

If cramps occur in the legs despite the intake of magnesium, a lack of other electrolytes can also be a trigger for the muscle cramps. A lack of calcium, sodium or potassium can therefore cause cramps in the legs. It should also be remembered that some drugs have muscle cramps as a side effect.

Dehydrating drugs, so-called diuretics or laxatives, can cause a disturbance in the electrolyte balance and thus cramps in the legs. Overloading the muscles after exercise can also trigger cramps during or after exercise. For this reason, you should think about good stretching between and after the sports units.

Furthermore, cramps in the legs can also be triggered by too little exercise. Therefore, the muscles should be moved or stretched a little when sitting for a longer period of time. If cramps recur despite a normal electrolyte balance and sufficient movement, a doctor should be consulted. Since cramps can also be triggered by a spinal problem or nerve paralysis, for example, a doctor should look for a cause if cramps in the legs persist in order to rule out serious illnesses.


Painful cramps in the legs can be prevented by certain lifestyles and behaviors. Since a lack of magnesium is often the reason for cramps in the legs, care should be taken to ensure a sufficient daily amount of magnesium. The recommended amount is approximately 350 mg.Especially athletes should think about taking magnesium preparations in addition to the right diet with magnesium-rich foods.

Foods rich in magnesium include oat flakes, nuts and whole grain products. Vegetables and fruit are also good sources of magnesium. Since cramps in the legs are also often caused by too little fluid intake, care should be taken to ensure a sufficient fluid intake.

This should be 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Since drinking alcohol promotes muscle cramps, alcohol should only be consumed in moderation. After sports and also when sitting for long periods of time, the muscles should be stretched and loosened sufficiently to promote good blood circulation in the muscles.

Alternating baths can also stimulate the blood circulation and prevent cramps in the legs. Furthermore, comfortable footwear is a way to prevent cramps. In order to ward off cramps in the legs that occur at night, the muscles should be kept warm, as this also improves the blood circulation and thus helps them to relax.