Cream against inflammation in the genital area | Cream against inflammation

Cream against inflammation in the genital area

Especially the female genital area is prone to inflammation. A healthy vaginal flora normally protects the skin and the genital area from the penetration of germs due to its acidic environment. But mechanical irritation or bacteria, fungi and viruses can cause inflammation.

There are many different natural-based preparations that are used for inflammation in the intimate area. Tannolact is often used for inflammations in the female genital area. Without cortisone but with the active substance Pehnol-Methanal-Urea-Polycondensate Tannolact is suitable for use in the genital area.

Low-dose Tannolact creams (fat cream 0.4% or 1%) are suitable for application on the skin in the genital-anal area and also in the diaper area of infants and small children. Tannolact also offers a bath additive, which is intended to help treat inflammation in areas of the skin that are difficult to access (skin folds in the genital area). In addition, there are also antibiotic vaginal creams which, together with oral tablets, heal inflammation in the genital area caused by bacteria in 5 – 10 days.

In the end, it is important to prevent inflammation in the genital area. Inflammations often occur as a result of vaginal dryness. This can be treated with creams containing fats or moisture.

If vaginal dryness occurs as a result of the altered hormone balance during menopause, a cream containing estrogens can be used to improve the vaginal environment. In any case, it is important to find the source of the inflammation, as fungal infections can also trigger inflammation of the intimate area and must be treated with other drugs/creams. If the inflammation persists, a gynecologist should be consulted in any case to start an adequate therapy.

Basically it is important to support the body’s own protective mechanisms, to maintain the natural balance and to ensure that adequate hygiene is provided in everyday life. The eyebrows play an underestimated and enormous role in the facial recognition of persons.In one trial, for example, pictures of well-known personalities were shown in which the eyebrows were removed by image editing, which reduced the recognition value of the celebrities by 50 percent. The eyebrows also have an aesthetic aspect and are often shaped by plucking them with tweezers to come close to the ideal image, which varies according to fashion and culture.