Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Prevention

To prevent new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, attention must be paid to reducing risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Ingestion of infected food-beef and beef derived products.

Prevention factors

  • Genetic factors:
    • Genetic risk reduction depending on gene polymorphisms:
      • Genes/SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism):
        • Gene: PRNP
        • SNP: rs1799990 in gene PRNP
          • Allele constellation: AA (getting nvCJD is possible) (40% of cases in the population).
          • Allele constellation: AG (getting nvCJD is possible but very unlikely) [methionine/valine heterozygous].
          • Allele constellation: GG (resistant to nvCJD).

Note: All nCJD patients documented to date (approximately 230 worldwide) have been homozygous for methionine. Now, for the first time after a long incubation period (time from infection to onset of disease), a sick person with methionine/valine has emerged.

To prevent the iatrogenic form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, care must be taken to reduce risk factors.

Other risk factors

  • Transmission from infected body donations or infected surgical instrumentation.
  • Transmission through blood and blood products