Daily routine in a crèche | Day nursery

Daily routine in a crèche

As already mentioned, the day-to-day life of a cigarette butt depends on the age of the children in care. Babies under one year of age need a lot of attention, but just as much rest. They are fed and changed and the rest of the time they are put to sleep or cared for on the arm or in a playpen as required.

Older children are integrated into the group with games and are expected to learn social and cognitive skills. In most daycare centers, the day begins between 7 and 8 a.m. when the children are brought in and any special features of the day are discussed. This is usually followed by a kind of welcome, e.g. a circle of chairs with the children singing a song together.

At breakfast the children learn to eat independently and to wash their hands. The time until lunch is spent playing, romping or sleeping, depending on the age and needs of the child. Many daycare centers provide for an hour of playing and learning together during this time.

The lunchtime meal also has its own ritual depending on the crib, with joint preparation, eating and clearing away. Afterwards, the older children also need some rest, so a nap follows. The time until pickup is again individually arranged, e.g. with outdoor sports games in good weather.

If the children are only picked up in the evening, most daycare centers offer an afternoon snack, which is again prepared together with the children. In most daycare centers, the day begins between 7 and 8 a.m. when the children are brought in and any special features of the day are discussed. This is usually followed by a kind of welcome, e.g. a circle of chairs with the children singing a song together.

At breakfast the children learn to eat independently and to wash their hands. The time until lunch is spent playing, romping or sleeping, depending on the age and needs of the child.Many daycare centers provide for an hour of playing and learning together during this time. Depending on the crib, the lunchtime meal also has its own ritual, with joint preparation, eating and clearing away.

Afterwards, the older children also need some rest, so a nap follows. The time until pickup is again individually arranged, e.g. with outdoor sports games in good weather. If the children are only picked up in the evening, most daycare centers offer an afternoon snack, which is again prepared together with the children.