Diagnosis | Swollen testicles – what is behind it?


The most important measures to enable the doctor to make the correct diagnosis of a swollen testicle are on the one hand the conversation between doctor and patient (anamnesis) and on the other hand the physical examination. During the conversation, the doctor can usually make a tentative diagnosis based on the patient’s information about how long the swelling has existed and whether it is painful. Through the additional palpation of the scrotum and the testicles, it is often already clear what the cause of the swelling is.

If necessary, the doctor will x-ray the scrotum with a lamp or perform an ultrasound examination. Further diagnostic measures may be necessary depending on the cause. In the case of an inflammation, for example, the inflammation values in the blood are checked and if there is a suspicion of testicular cancer, imaging diagnostic procedures (for example CT or MRI) are used to see whether the tumor has already spread.


Due to the large number of possible causes that can be behind a swollen testicle, there are also different forms of treatment. Epididymitis is mainly treated by bed rest, cooling and elevation of the scrotum. If necessary also anti-inflammatory as well as pain-relieving medicines and an antibiotic should be taken.

In the case of a severe injury that has led to bleeding into the scrotum, as well as twisting of the testicle, emergency surgery is often necessary to preserve the testicle. Also in the case of testicular cancer, a timely operation is usually necessary, in which the testicle must be removed. Radiation or chemotherapy is often not necessary if the treatment is done in time.

In contrast, a hydrocele as the cause of a swollen scrotum often does not need surgery and does not require special treatment. Only if the swelling causes symptoms or is very pronounced, surgical therapy may be necessary. In any case, a urologist should always examine the swollen testicle at an early stage to determine whether treatment is necessary and if so, which treatment is needed.