Does it make sense to go abroad because of the costs? | The cost of a gastric bypass

Does it make sense to go abroad because of the costs?

If you only consider the cost of a gastric bypass surgery, it is cheaper to go abroad. There is already a whole market here with different offers. However, it is questionable how credible and how the quality of the respective offer is.

Besides the question of security, there are also other disadvantages. For example, a gastric bypass surgery requires lifelong aftercare, during which one is professionally accompanied during weight loss. It is important in this phase to be advised on one’s nutritional and living habits and to have a contact person in case of problems or complications.

After the gastric bypass surgery, the first step has been taken, but the goal has not yet been reached. A further problem is that possible complications during or directly after the operation can significantly increase costs. In the worst case, a second operation may be necessary, so that the costs increase many times over.

However, even in Germany the additional costs due to complications are not always covered by health insurance. Finally, communication problems can lead to problems. If, despite the risks, you decide to have an operation abroad, it is advisable to inform yourself about the clinic, to have reserves for unexpected complications and to have organized aftercare.