Dosage | HMB


The beta-hydroxy beta methyl butyrate can be purchased commercially in powder, capsule or tablet form. As with any drug that you take, you should also pay attention to the package insert of the respective manufacturer when taking HMB as a supplement. In principle, there is no limit dose above which extreme or life-threatening undesirable side effects would be expected.

The recommendations vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. A good average is between 1.5g and 3g per day. However, it also depends on whether one takes HMB for the first time or whether it is a maintenance dose.

To start with, you should take 6g of HMB per day in the first week to fill your stores. After that 1-3g HMB per day is sufficient. In high doses, the muscle breakdown inhibiting effect, i.e. the anti-catabolic effect, is mainly achieved.

The promotion of muscle building in the sense of the anabolic effect is already achieved in low doses. As a rule, HMB is taken as a supplement in the form of a single preparation. However, there are also combined preparations, which are typical in the field of bodybuilding.

In addition to HMB, substances such as creatinine or glutamine are included. Depending on the form of consumption, the time of the corresponding dose intake varies. The powder form should ideally be taken 20-30 minutes before training begins.

If you choose a capsule preparation with HMB in free amino acid form as the only component, this is sufficient immediately before training. HMB is generally most effective on an empty stomach. The suggested doses are sufficient to achieve the desired effect (anabolic and anti-catabolic). There is currently no evaluation of whether these doses lead to undesirable side effects.


The Beta Hydroxy Beta-Methylbutyrate (=HMB) is a normal metabolic product of our body. HMB is a metabolic product of the essential amino acid leucine. In addition to the two amino acids L-isoleucine and L-valine, leucine is an important amino acid of the protein component of our body.

Functionally, leucine plays a role in muscle building and its maintenance. It therefore has an anabolic effect on the muscles, i.e. it builds up mass – in our case muscles. In addition, it stimulates the production of proteins (protein biosynthesis) in two important organs, namely the muscles and the liver.

About 5% of leucine is branched off for the metabolism to form HMB. Through various metabolic pathways involving different enzymes, the body can thus produce HMB naturally. Approximately 1.3 g are thus approximately “the body’s own” HMB.

This metabolic product has a certain effect on our body. Especially the effect on the musculature is in the foreground: HMB has anabolic and anti-catabolic as well as lipolytic effects. It is also discussed that HMB can reduce the risk of injury to muscles and increase their ability to regenerate.

However, the nature of the effect varies in part with the dosage. A first effect at low doses is definitely the anabolic, i.e. muscle building promoting effect. The exact mechanism on which the effect of HMB is ultimately based has not yet been conclusively clarified.

There are many aspects that are currently being studied. Different studies pursue different hypotheses. On the one hand, it is assumed that the production of proteins is positively influenced.

By stimulating a receptor called mTOR-receptor, HMB promotes protein synthesis. By intervening in a different metabolic pathway, HMB makes it possible to prevent muscle breakdown or the breakdown of the proteins of the muscle. The inhibition of the so-called proteolysis is possible via the ubiquitin proteasome pathway.

A final hypothesis assumes that HMB increases the carbohydrate and amino acid supply in the muscle. IGF-1 gene expression plays a special role in this process. Finally, it should be mentioned that the efficacy of HMB depends not only on the dosage but also on the initial situation of the consumer.If one considers the muscle building effect in athletes, endurance athletes show an improved lactate acid value and an increased possible intensity of the leg muscles. In addition, the risk of injury is lower. With bodybuilders, on the other hand, the strong anabolic effect is in the foreground.