Dosage of Levocabastine | Levocabastine

Dosage of Levocabastine

As eye drops, levocabastine should be administered twice daily, one drop in each eye. For nasal spray, 2 strokes should be taken twice a day if allergic symptoms occur. As a preventive measure, antihistamine preparations should rather not be taken.

Cortisone as an alternative

If levocabastine does not have sufficient effect, consideration should be given to giving cortisone instead. Cortisone is stronger and works by a general reduction of the immune system of the whole body. It can be used as a tablet or as a nasal spray.

As a nasal spray it is dosed less strongly. Cortsion is more likely to be used in allergic reactions when the allergic reaction is strong and other local medications, such as nasal spray or eye drops, are not sufficiently effective. It is important to note that if cortisone is taken in tablet form, the dose should be reduced.

If the allergic reaction is severe, one can start with 40 mg 2 times daily and then reduce this dosage rapidly downwards. Within one week the cortisone should then be discontinued. Side effects, such as the dreaded Cushing’s syndrome, are not to be expected with this low dosage. Cortisone is only available on prescription, but in almost all cases it is covered by the statutory health insurance.


Tetryzolin is a chemical substance used as a drug to treat conjunctival irritation or allergic rhinitis (hay fever). The substance is sold as eye drops and also as a nasal spray and acts by activating the sympathetic receptors. Since it is not used as a tablet or infusion, the effect is mainly on the receptors that are also touched by the drug, such as the nose or eyes.

Vascularization causes the swelling of the nasal mucous membranes to subside and patients can breathe better while the running of the nose is stopped. Eye drops lead to reduced irritation of the conjunctiva and decongest the conjunctiva and eyelid.