Drug picture | Schüssler salt No. 17: Manganum sulfuricum

Drug picture

With the Schüssler salts, a person who needs a salt can be recognized by certain external and personal characteristics. According to the teachings of Dr. Schüssler this is due to the fact that certain character traits lead to a higher consumption of certain salts. However, when it comes to external characteristics, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of this so-called drug picture.

Face analysis means that the features can be found in the face. In the 17th Schüssler salt, such features are for example a yellowish or even pale facial color, dry, itchy or scaly skin, torn corners of the mouth (“rhagades”) or poorly healing wounds. Due to the attachment to connective tissue structures, which occur in very different functions throughout the body, further symptoms of a deficiency can be rather unspecific, which means that the symptoms sometimes do not directly indicate a specific cause. Thus, listlessness, concentration disorders, learning difficulties or other psychological or neurological symptoms can be the result of a manganese sulfuricum deficiency. A weak immune system and a resulting susceptibility to infections can also be among the symptoms.

Active Organs

Manganum sulfuricum is especially effective on bones, cartilage and connective tissue. Here it promotes the development of these tissue structures, which means that it can be applied in many different places in the body. Storage organs for manganese sulfuricum are liver, kidney, bone marrow and hair or the hair roots. This does not mean, however, that only these body organs suffer from a lack of manganese sulfuricum. Rather, the depletion of the supply stored there has an effect on the performance of the whole body.

Common dosage D6, D12

Manganum sulfuricum is usually used in the potencies D6 and D12. It is then often recommended to take several globules or one or more tablets two to three times a day. An application of manganese sulfuricum is almost always of a long-term nature, since the physical stores of this salt need a certain time to be refilled. An acute application of this salt is therefore rather unusual. If the salt is combined with another, the intake is usually alternated.