Duration and forecast | Vaccination against cystitis

Duration and forecast

The vaccination against cystitis contains attenuated pathogens that most frequently cause urinary tract infections. However, this does not cover all pathogens that can potentially lead to cystitis. So cystitis can still occur, but the probability can be reduced by immunisation.

A single vaccination is usually not sufficient to induce immunity. First of all, a basic immunisation should be carried out, in which the person concerned is vaccinated 3 times at intervals of approx. 2 weeks.

The immunity thus acquired lasts for about 1 year. Afterwards a booster vaccination can be given. However, there is no guarantee that immunity will be achieved, as each immune system reacts individually to a vaccination.

Side effects

As with any vaccination, side effects can also occur with the vaccination against cystitis. These include allergic reactions and local reactions at the injection site such as redness, swelling and pain. There may also be general health symptoms such as headaches, nausea or fever.