Indications for braces | Braces for adults

Indications for braces

One of the most frequent causes is the own desire to straighten the teeth. Especially in adult orthodontics. In children and adolescents, however, the indication is usually a malposition of the teeth and jaw, which is not acceptable from a medical point of view.

However, health insurance companies only cover the costs from a certain degree of severity. Indications are, for example, an open bite with 2-4 mm distance or a deep bite with more than 3 mm distance between the upper and lower incisal edge.Basically, a bilateral cross bite and a crowding, or a resulting lack of space of more than 3 mm is considered a reason for orthodontic treatment. More serious malocclusions, such as a tooth that is not positioned or is left behind, an upper jaw that is more than 6 mm in front of the lower jaw, a lower jaw that is in front of the upper jaw, or a malocclusion due to illness, must be treated without fail.

Who needs loose braces, who needs fixed braces?

This depends on the severity or extent of the tooth misalignment. This question can only be answered by an orthodontist after a thorough examination of the patient. Often loose braces are used first and then fixed braces.

Loose braces help, for example, when the jaws have to be adjusted in relation to each other. As long as children and adolescents are growing, the shape and function of the jaws can still be changed by an activator. Loose braces are also used when only one tooth needs to be moved slightly and can be pushed to the desired position with little pressure.

If, however, several teeth are to be moved parallel through the bone, this is only possible with a fixed brace that can exert sufficient pressure. In adults, loose braces do not achieve good results. It is therefore recommended to use a multi bracket appliance or a therapy with alligators, i.e. a plastic splint therapy.

An external brace like a headgear is not always necessary. This appliance is the only one that makes it possible to create more space in the maxillary posterior region. Otherwise teeth would have to be extracted. This means that the therapy would be possible without external braces, but the result would be different, if not worse.