Epilating under the armpits | Epilate

Epilating under the armpits

Many women, but also men, shave their armpits, both for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. After shaving, however, stubble is quickly visible again on the armpits, which is why depilation leads to more satisfactory results in the long term. Similarly, as in the genital area, the skin under the armpits is very sensitive.

Many people therefore shy away from epilation at first. With a good preparation of the skin, however, the armpits can also be depilated well. Also the rumor that epilation of the armpits could lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes underneath is not true.

Epilation of the armpits is not dangerous and can therefore be performed without hesitation. Before epilation, the armpit should be cleaned and freed from cream or fat residues. For epilation, lift the arm above the head and bend it at the elbow so that you can stretch the skin of the armpits with your hand.

With the other hand you lead the epilator to the armpit and epilate carefully from the outside to the inside. For a smooth result you should epilate against the direction of hair growth. After the epilation no deodorants should be used, because they can cause irritations. Even tight clothing can irritate the sensitive skin. A moisturizing cream for the care of the epilated armpits is highly recommended.

Epilating on the legs

Epilation of the legs is very popular because it provides longer lasting hair freedom than a standard shave. The skin on the legs is also not as sensitive as, for example, the face or intimate area, and is therefore easily accessible for depilation. Unfortunately, depilation is not completely painless.

With a good preparation of the skin and good care after the epilation, however, major irritations can be avoided. Most epilators promise a hair-free period of 4 weeks. However, hair growth varies greatly from person to person, so that many people have to epilate again after 2 weeks for smooth legs.

The sensation of pain decreases significantly for most people after repeated epilation, so that epilation is often preferred to shaving. The best time to epilate the legs is after a shower. The warm water opens the pores and makes epilation easier.

However, many people also find a prior cooling of the skin very beneficial. It is important, however, that the skin is free of fatty residues and dirt in any case. To epilate the legs, place the epilator on the leg at a 90° angle and start epilation at the ankle.

Then you work your way up to the thighs.Epilation is further simplified by slightly stretching the skin between 2 fingers. This makes it easier for the epilator to grip the hair. The hairs on the legs should not exceed a length of 5 mm, because the epilator cannot grip the long hairs easily. After the epilation a good care is very important.