Erythroplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In medicine, the term erythroplasia refers to a precancerous condition of the skin or, in particular, of the genital mucous membranes. In most cases, this is caused by a previous infection with papilloma viruses. If left untreated, erythroplasia can develop into a serious cancer.

What is erythroplasia?

Erythroplasia is a skin disease that occurs primarily on the human genitals. Alternatively, however, it can also affect the mucous membranes, such as those in the mouth. The affected skin areas show a deep reddening, which spreads from initially small spots to increasingly larger areas. Complaints are usually hardly noticed. Erythroplasia is a so-called precancerous condition, which means that in the worst case it can become a serious cancer. Since erythroplasia visually resembles Bowen’s disease, which is also a precancerous condition, it can easily be misdiagnosed without a comprehensive examination. Erythroplasia must always be treated medically to prevent a significant deterioration in health.


In a large number of cases, the causes of erythroplasia are a previous infection with papillomaviruses. These are usually transmitted through sexual contact and can thus affect the genitals or even the oral mucosa. There they trigger a tumor-like growth of the cells. The resulting tumors do not have to be malignant and usually lead to the development of warts. Under certain circumstances, however, they can develop into cancer, which can then be life-threatening. This happens especially when there is already a weakening of the immune system. In some cases, however, erythroplasia can also be caused by a lack of personal hygiene. In this way, it is not uncommon for chronic inflammation to occur on the genitals, which can later develop into erythroplasia.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

In the worst case, erythroplasia can lead to a complete cancer, which can also lead to the death of the affected person. However, this case occurs only when erythroplasia is not treated at all. The affected person suffers primarily from red spots that appear in the affected region. The spots themselves are relatively large and limited. They can also have a negative effect on the aesthetics of the affected person and lead to psychological upsets or even depression. On the glans, erythroplasia can lead to pain during sexual intercourse or pain during urination. As a rule, it is mainly men who are affected by the disease and suffer from these complaints. Erythroplasia very rarely occurs at the vaginal entrance. If the erythroplasia is still not treated, it usually develops into skin cancer, which can continue to spread and metastasize in the body. Some symptoms also occur when the affected person is on chemotherapy, which is associated with severe side effects. Cancer itself can also lead to severe depression or psychological distress.

Diagnosis and course

The suspicion of erythroplasia may already exist on the basis of the first visual impression that the attending physician has of the skin redness that occurs. However, to determine whether it is really erythroplasia and not Bowen’s disease, for example, a tissue sample must be taken. This biopsy provides information about the exact nature and cause of the disease, whereupon the physician can initiate an appropriate therapy. If erythroplasia remains untreated, it can develop into cancer and thus significantly worsen the patient’s state of health. If metastases form and spread throughout the body, this condition can become life-threatening.

When should you go to the doctor?

If the characteristic reddish spots are noticed on the glans or at the vaginal entrance, a visit to the doctor is recommended. Immediate clarification is necessary if the redness is noticed on the oral mucosa. Other skin changes that are not due to any specific cause also require examination. The symptoms should be clarified and treated if they have not subsided after two to three days at the latest. In case of redness on other parts of the body, the nearest doctor’s office should be visited immediately.Erythroplasia often occurs in connection with papillomavirus infection. People suffering from this infection should not wait any longer to see a doctor if they have the above-mentioned symptoms. It is advisable to make an appointment with a urologist or gynecologist on the same day and have the symptoms examined. After treatment, the following applies: carry out the prescribed control examinations and, in the case of new skin changes, talk to the doctor in charge. A recurrence must be clarified quickly, because otherwise there is a risk of skin cancer.

Treatment and therapy

If erythroplasia has been clearly diagnosed on the basis of a tissue biopsy, the attending physician will initiate appropriate therapy as soon as possible. First and foremost, the spread of the disease must be prevented so that it does not develop into cancer. Therefore, the cells that cause the skin changes must be prevented from growing and removed from the body. Since the genitals are usually affected, surgical removal of the affected areas of skin is very difficult and can usually be limited. Instead, targeted radiation therapy is used to eliminate the responsible cells. In this way, it can be ensured that there is no spread. In any case, the surrounding lymph nodes must also be examined closely to rule out the possibility that they have already been reached by the cells. If metastases are found in the lymph nodes, cancer exists and chemotherapy will most likely have to be administered. In addition, the affected lymph node is removed. This prevents the cancer cells from growing and spreading further in the body. Basically, the earlier erythroplasia is diagnosed and treated, the more likely it is to be completely cured.

Outlook and prognosis

Erythroplasia is malignant tissue that can lead to skin cancer. The prognosis is good if the condition is detected and treated early. Then metastases may not have formed yet and the altered tissue can be completely removed. There is a risk that a recurrence will form at the same site, which will have to be detected again and surgically removed. If the erythroplasia has already caused skin cancer, the prognosis is relatively poor. The cancer spreads rapidly to surrounding regions and can affect and destroy skin tissue, muscles, bones and internal organs. Regular checkups by your primary care physician are essential to remove erythroplasia early, before it develops into skin cancer. If not treated, erythroplasia or the resulting skin cancer is always fatal. The disease then spreads to the entire body and causes a wide variety of symptoms and complaints as it progresses. These massively restrict the quality of life and well-being and eventually lead to organ failure and thus to the death of the patient. Therefore, the symptoms described should be clarified immediately, if possible before the erythroplasia turns into skin cancer.


Because erythroplasia is often caused by papillomaviruses, appropriate contraceptive measures should always be taken during sexual contact. Adequate personal hygiene, especially in the genital area, should also be a matter of course. A healthy lifestyle, which also contributes to a functioning immune system, can also have a positive effect. If the redness described above is noticed on the genitals or the oral mucosa, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible. This person can perform an examination and, if necessary, begin therapy before actual cancer occurs.


The person affected by erythroplasia has very limited options for aftercare. First and foremost, early diagnosis must be performed for this disease to prevent further spread of the tumor in the body. The earlier the erythroplasia is detected, the better the further course of the disease usually is. Treatment is usually carried out by means of radiation therapy. In the first instance, the affected person is also dependent on the support and care of his or her own family in order to prevent psychological discomfort.Since metastases can also form as a result of the disease, regular examinations by a doctor should still be carried out even after the tumor has been successfully removed in order to detect other tumors as well. Some patients are dependent on chemotherapy, whereby they also need the help and support of family and friends. Contact with other erythroplasia patients can also be useful, as this can lead to an exchange of information. In many cases, the life expectancy of the affected person is limited by the disease. In general, a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet also has a positive effect on the further course.

What you can do yourself

To prevent erythroplasia, it is advisable for the patient to attend regular check-ups with a doctor. This will give him or her the best protection, as the presence of a papilloma virus will be detected early during the examinations. Sexual contact should only take place with condoms. All other methods of contraception do not provide the necessary protection against transmission. In addition, the performance of oral intercourse for both man and woman should be avoided. Protective measures alleviate the probability of transmission of the virus by about 50 percent. In a long-term relationship, it is advisable for both partners to be examined and tested for the presence of the virus before engaging in unprotected sexual contact. At the first changes in the appearance of the skin in the genital area or on the mucous membranes in the mouth, a doctor must be consulted. The self-healing powers of the organism are not sufficient to achieve relief from the symptoms. The patient is well advised not to let any unnecessary time pass, as there is a risk of cancer breaking out. If the virus has been detected in the patient, any sexual partners should be informed as soon as possible. The virus spreads rapidly and should be prevented from doing so if possible.