Exercises for biceps tendon inflammation | Physiotherapy for inflammation of the biceps tendon

Exercises for biceps tendon inflammation

The training for biceps tendon inflammation consists of various stretching and strength exercises designed to increase the mobility of the shoulder joint and relieve the tendon. Stretching Stand straight and upright and cross your hands behind your back. Now raise your arms in this position as far as possible towards the ceiling.

Hold the stretch for 20 seconds. Strengthening the rotator cuff Lie on your side. Take a light weight in the hand of the arm above.

Now slowly bring the weight to the floor and then lift it up again. The movement is from the shoulder. 10 repetitions.

Strengthening the muscles Stand up straight and upright. The arms hang down loosely from the body. Now raise your arms stretched to shoulder level.

The thumbs point to the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower your arms again. 15 repetitions.

  1. Stretch Stand straight and upright and cross your hands behind your back.Now raise your arms in this position as far as possible towards the ceiling. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds.
  2. Strengthening the rotator cuff Lie on your side. Take a light weight in the hand of the arm above.

    Now slowly bring the weight to the floor and then lift it up again. The movement is from the shoulder. 10 repetitions.

  3. Strengthening the muscles Stand up straight and upright.

    The arms hang down loosely from the body. Now raise your arms stretched to shoulder level. The thumbs point to the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower your arms again. 15 repetitions.


The symptoms of biceps tendon inflammation can vary in severity depending on the patient. The most obvious symptom is pain. This is usually located at the front of the shoulder near the armpit and can radiate into surrounding regions.

Those affected describe the pain as pulling or stabbing. Especially when the tendon is stretched or pressure is applied to the area, the pain becomes stronger. For patients, inflammation of the biceps tendon is usually associated with restricted movement and a feeling of stiffness.

Overhead work usually causes an increase in pain. Swelling occurs only very rarely. If the inflammation has existed for a long time, a thickening of the tendon can be felt by qualified personnel.

Pain can also occur on the elbow or forearm due to an inflammation of the biceps tendon. This is especially the case if the short biceps tendon, near the elbow, is affected by the inflammation. The area is sensitive to pressure and the pain can radiate to other regions and the forearm. The pain can become worse, especially during rotational movements of the elbow joint, and the affected patients are usually restricted in their range of movement.