Gum inflammation during pregnancy


Gum inflammation occurs in about half of all women during pregnancy. Depending on how oral hygiene is maintained, the inflammation is more or less pronounced. The reason that gum problems occur more often during pregnancy is due to hormones.

Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy the oestrogen balance changes in such a way that the hormones influence the gum blood circulation. As a therapy, many women reject antibiotic therapy. It is also usually not necessary. With appropriate dental care and suitable home remedies, gum inflammation can be combated without antibiotics.


A feeling that occurs over time is pain when chewing or when touching and pressing. The hormone progesterone makes the blood vessels more permeable for blood cells, which leads to increased bleeding of the gums. Feelings of tooth loosening and migration are not uncommon, but only occur in very advanced periodontitis.

Due to the close connection between the oral cavity and the jaw joint, the pain can radiate there. The reason for this is that the function of the musculature is impaired by the inflammation. If the temporomandibular joint is unilaterally and unevenly loaded, pain is caused.

In addition, the pain can also move into the ear. The musculature for the temporomandibular joint overlaps with that for the ears. There is also a connection between the oral cavity and the middle ear.

Another symptom is bad breath. It is an acrid, sourish smell that smells like decomposed food. In some cases, the taste may also be altered. Which might also be of interest to you:

  • Toothache when chewing
  • Bleeding gums during pregnancy
  • Bad breath during pregnancy
  • Symptoms of gingivitis


The problem with mild gingivitis is that the gums do not hurt. The inflammation must be more advanced before pain occurs. The pain is caused by bacteria attacking the fibrous apparatus.

It contains a lot of tactile sensors that are activated more often and are even destroyed. Especially with swollen gums, pressure and touch hurts. If the teeth become slightly loose over time, chewing hurts even more. As a pregnant woman, you should use herbal and naturally occurring remedies to combat the pain.