Hair Follicle Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hair follicle inflammation is usually positive and heals on its own. Preventive measures can reduce the risk of hair follicle inflammation.

What is hair follicle inflammation?

Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of human hair. Click to enlarge. Hair folliculitis is also known as folliculitis in medicine. Characteristically, hair folliculitis manifests as a reddened nodule located around a hair. This nodule usually surrounds a pustule that appears yellowish-green. In many cases, hair follicle inflammation is associated with mild pain or itching. Hair follicle inflammation can occur on all parts of the body that are covered by hair. However, the face, neck, buttocks and/or legs and arms are frequently affected by the inflammation. Depending on the part of the body where hair follicle inflammation forms, it can also be a cosmetic nuisance for the affected person.


Most often, hair follicle inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection. However, in rarer cases, various fungi or viruses (such as the herpes virus) can also lead to hair follicle inflammation. Medical science assumes that some people are very susceptible to developing hair follicle inflammation, while in other people the inflammation occurs very rarely or never. The inflammation of the hair follicle can be promoted, for example, by various methods of hair removal; in particular, these include the methods in which the hair is removed along with its root. Small, superficial wounds can form in the place of a removed hair, through which germs can more easily enter the body and thus cause hair follicle inflammation. In addition, regrowing hair may not penetrate the skin and/or may continue to grow laterally underneath the skin. A possible consequence of this is hair follicle inflammation. Factors that can increase the risk of hair follicle inflammation include conditions such as diabetes or acne. In addition to various medications such as cortisone, a tropical, warm and humid climate can also promote hair follicle inflammation.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Hair follicle inflammation is usually noticed by those affected by the noticeable redness. Typically, a boil is formed, which fills with pus in the course of the disease. The inflammation itself causes increasing pain and an unpleasant feeling of pressure. If the boil breaks open inward, an effusion may form. In a severe course, blood poisoning occurs, which is manifested by an acute feeling of illness, fever and a number of other symptoms and must be treated immediately. In the further course of hair follicle inflammation, beard lichen can form. In addition, other skin changes sometimes occur that significantly affect the patient’s well-being. Some sufferers experience a feeling of illness or suffer from severe itching, which increases in intensity as the disease progresses. This may cause the patient to scratch the boil, which in turn may cause infection. The external blemish may cause social anxiety or upset in those affected. If the condition is chronic, depression may develop in some circumstances. In most cases, however, hair follicle inflammation is harmless. It regresses on its own after a few days and does not result in any further symptoms.

Diagnosis and course

Diagnosis of hair follicle inflammation by the dermatologist is usually already based on the visible symptoms. If it is to be investigated which germs have led to a corresponding inflammation, this is possible with the help of various laboratory procedures: for example, so-called cultures can be created from swabs taken from the hair follicle inflammation; the corresponding culture then reveals the pathogen present. In most cases, hair follicle inflammation can be successfully treated without leaving visible scars. In people with darker skin types, however, pigmentation disorders may appear at the corresponding site after a hair follicle inflammation. In mild cases and in the absence of underlying diseases, hair follicle inflammation often heals on its own. In more severe cases, hair follicle inflammation can spread to surrounding tissue, for example, resulting in a boil.


In most cases, hair follicle inflammation does not cause any particular complications or discomfort. This inflammation usually subsides on its own, so that no further treatment is necessary for the patient. Only in rare cases do severe complaints occur that require medical treatment. As a rule, the patient suffers from pustules that appear directly on the hair follicle. However, there is no pain or other discomfort. In some cases, the hair follicle inflammation can also cause a beard lichen, which, however, requires medical treatment. Furthermore, the patient may also suffer from a pigment disorder. This is not further dangerous and is not a particular complication for the patient. In case of treatment of hair follicle inflammation, medications are used. These lead relatively quickly to a positive course of the disease, with no particular complications. The symptoms disappear relatively quickly and no subsequent damage occurs. Life expectancy is also not reduced or affected by hair follicle inflammation. However, treatment does not guarantee that hair folliculitis will not recur in the patient later in life.

When should you see a doctor?

Since hair follicle inflammation can spread to other regions of the body and usually does not heal itself, the condition should always be examined by a doctor. In this case, hair loss may also occur without treatment. A doctor should be consulted in the case of hair follicle inflammation if pustules form on the hair. Boils can also occur and be associated with pain. Also, in many cases itching of the scalp indicates hair follicle inflammation. Without treatment, this inflammation can also spread to the beard. Therefore, if the symptoms also occur in the beard area, a visit to a doctor is also necessary. As a rule, the disease can be treated by a dermatologist or by a general practitioner. Since in some cases the complaints can also lead to psychological upsets or depression, psychological treatment is advisable in this case.

Treatment and therapy

As a rule, hair follicle inflammation can be sufficiently treated by a local application of certain active substances. Which active ingredient is applied in individual cases depends primarily on the type of germ that has caused the hair follicle inflammation; while inflammation caused by bacteria can be countered with creams/ointments containing antibiotics, for example, fungicidal (antifungal) substances are useful if the inflammation was caused by a fungus. In severe cases, it may be useful to treat hair follicle inflammation not only locally, but systemically (affecting the whole body); in the case of hair follicle inflammation caused by bacteria, this is possible, for example, by administering antibiotics in tablet form. The so-called phototherapy can also be successful in the treatment of hair follicle inflammation; in this case the part of the body affected by the inflammation is irradiated with infrared or UV light for approx. 10 to 15 minutes. Irradiation with UV light has, among other things, a germicidal effect. Other treatment options for hair follicle inflammation are offered by alternative medical disciplines such as herbal medicine: Here, for example, ointments containing essential oils of myrrh and/or rosemary are considered effective in fighting inflammation.

Outlook and prognosis

The chances of success in managing hair follicle inflammation can be classified as good. In most cases, local treatment is sufficient. If a persistent form exists, antibiotics should be administered. This acts on the entire body. To a limited extent, people can contribute to the prevention of hair follicle inflammation. In most cases, hair follicle inflammation heals on its own. A medical professional does not need to be consulted. The inflammation bursts after some time and heals. A small scar remains. Ointments with antiseptic and antibiotic additives can support recovery. They prevent germs from spreading. Risk patients are usually people with a reduced immune system. Smokers and people with an unhealthy lifestyle are also statistically significantly more likely to be affected. In them, hair follicle inflammation can develop chronically, regardless of age.Cases in which bacteria enter the bloodstream via a wound are unfavorable. However, the resulting blood poisoning is very rare. Those affected can help to prevent the infection from spreading. This improves the outlook. To do this, general hygiene standards must be observed. The use of fresh laundry and washing hands several times a day are important.


In direct form, hair follicle inflammation can be prevented only to a limited extent. However, the risk of inflammation can be reduced by hair removal, for example, by methods such as wet shaving; here the risk is comparatively low that the skin is injured and germs enter the wound.


For the most part, hair follicle inflammation does not require extensive aftercare. After the doctor opens the pustule or boil and disinfects the skin site, the inflammation should heal quickly on its own. The patient should make another visit to the doctor so that complications can be ruled out. In addition, it is sufficient to clean the affected area regularly and, depending on the severity of the inflammation, to treat it with an ointment or another preparation. If the inflammation does not subside, the doctor must be consulted. In case of recurrent boils, it may be necessary to take an antibiotic. The patient should also contact a dermatologist. The specialist can perform an examination of the skin and thereby determine the cause of the recurring hair follicle inflammation. Typically, however, boils or pustules can be treated well and do not require follow-up care. People suffering from hemophilia need to ensure that no further inflammation occurs to reduce the risk of complications. The same applies to people with immune deficiency. If the inflammation spreads, good observation of the body is necessary after medical treatment. Fever and other warning signs indicate blood poisoning and must be clarified.

Here’s what you can do yourself

A hair follicle infection does not always need to be treated by a doctor. In the case of a fresh boil, the discharge of the purulent contents can be promoted with the help of moist compresses as well as traction ointment. Warm milk, cabbage, figs and linseed also help against a boil. Natural home remedies include black tea bags or compresses with chamomile and lemon balm, which are simply placed on the affected skin area. A visit to the sauna opens the pores and allows the contents to drain without pain. The inflammation usually subsides quickly with regular use of these remedies – but there is a risk that the bacteria will spread and lead to the formation of more boils. For this reason, the surrounding skin should be carefully disinfected after contact and clothing, bedding and towels washed hot. If a pus spot has already formed, the inflammation can be opened with the help of a needle. This should also be disinfected beforehand – preferably by holding it over a flame or rubbing it with disinfectant from the pharmacy. An effective remedy from homeopathy is St. John’s wort tincture, which is best applied to the boil in the form of a gauze bandage. In case of severe hair follicle inflammation, a visit to the doctor is recommended.