Select 181 Test

Select 181 provides evidence of IgG-mediated food intolerances of allergy type III. Whether strawberries, dairy products, peppers, soy, shrimp, salmon, tuna, hazelnut, wheat, or beans, etc., almost any food – if predisposed – can trigger delayed IgG antibody immune reactions and lead to significant symptoms. The Select 181 test provides patients with chronic inflammatory complaints … Select 181 Test

Lactose H2 Breath Test

The lactose H2 breath test (H2 breath test; H2 exhalation breath test; hydrogen breath test; hydrogen exhalation test) is a diagnostic test method for detecting lactose malabsorption, which is the impaired absorption of lactose (milk sugar) from the small intestine. Indications (areas of application) Diarrhea (diarrhea), which so far has an unclear cause. Lactose malabsorption … Lactose H2 Breath Test

Sorbitol H2 Breath Test

The sorbitol H2 breath test (synonym: sorbitol tolerance test) is used to diagnose sorbitol intolerance (sorbitol intolerance; sorbitol malabsorption) and then to reduce symptoms with a diet. In the case of sorbitol intolerance, the utilization of sorbitol in the small intestine is completely or partially suspended. Sorbitol (synonyms: sorbitol, glucitol) is a sugar substitute derived … Sorbitol H2 Breath Test