Mole (nevus): Development, types

Brief overview What is a birthmark (nevus, neavus)? A circumscribed, benign change of the skin or mucous membrane, usually different in color from its surroundings and congenital or acquired. Size, shape, color and other appearance can vary considerably. Types of birthmarks: most common are birthmarks based on pigment cells (pigment nevi), e.g. age spots, café-au-lait … Mole (nevus): Development, types

Detecting Malignant Melanoma

How can you recognize a benign birthmark? Birthmarks are usually harmless. However, pigmented birthmarks (moles) in particular can develop into skin cancer under certain circumstances. It is important to recognize this at an early stage. But what does a benign mole look like? And when is it dangerous, i.e. potentially malignant? Here is a simple … Detecting Malignant Melanoma