Recurve Paresis

Synonyms vocal cord paralysis, vocal fold paralysis, dysphonia Definition Recurrent paresis (vocal cord or vocal fold paralysis) refers to the weakness or failure of the laryngeal muscles and vocal cords due to damage to the vocal cord nerve (laryngeal nerve). The term is composed of the name of the nerve (laryngeal recurrent nerve) that is … Recurve Paresis

Causes | Recurve Paresis

Causes Since the nerve runs in direct proximity to the thyroid gland (Glandula thyroidea), surgery on the thyroid gland, for example because of a tumor or struma, is the most common cause of recurrent paresis. However, recurrent nerve palsy can also be caused by In general, all surgical interventions in the cervical and thyroid area, … Causes | Recurve Paresis

Mouth Thrush

Definition The typical symptoms of a mouth soor include primarily the characteristic appearance of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat area. On the strongly reddened, inflammatory mucous membrane, a whitish coating can be found, which can easily be wiped or scratched off – for example with a small wooden spatula. At the beginning … Mouth Thrush

Therapy | Mouth Thrush

Therapy The most common treatment of mouth sores is the intake of a so-called antimycotic prescribed by a doctor. This is a drug that either kills the fungi present or at least inhibits their growth or reproduction (this includes e.g. Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Fluconazole). Since the oral thrush is a spatially limited infestation with Candida … Therapy | Mouth Thrush

Burning palate

Introduction A burning sensation in the palate can be a symptom of various causes. Often there is a clear trigger for the sensation, such as a slight burn from eating too hot food. But also slower, i.e. not acute or suddenly occurring processes can cause a burning sensation on the palate. For example, an inflammation … Burning palate

Diagnosis of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat

Diagnosis of burning in the throat The first important step in the diagnosis of throat burning is a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this discussion, the patient should be asked how to describe the symptoms, when they first occurred, how long they have lasted or whether they are recurring. These statements can be used to … Diagnosis of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat