What does pain through the periosteum indicate? | The periosteum

What does pain through the periosteum indicate? The stratum osteogenicum of the periosteum has a high proportion of nerves. Since the bone itself has no nerve fiber, the periosteum indirectly assumes an important function in the perception of pain in the bone.Pain, which is passed on through the nerve fibres of the periosteum, can have … What does pain through the periosteum indicate? | The periosteum


Anatomy The metatarsals are also called Metatarsalia or Ossa metatarsi I-V, because on each foot the human has five metatarsals, which are numbered from the inside to the outside with the numbers I to V. Each of these consists of: The base The corpus (middle piece) and The caput (head) In the area of the … Metatarsal

Other diseases | Metatarsal

Other diseases This disease is a deformity of the first metatarsal bone (the head deviates inwards) and the first toe (this is bent towards the small toe). This occurs more frequently in the so-called splayfoot and is promoted by tight shoes with high heels. The skin over the bony prominence becomes cornified and inflamed, and … Other diseases | Metatarsal

Pain in the fibula

Definition Pain in the fibula is defined as an unpleasant, disturbing, sometimes stabbing or pulling sensation. The fibula is located on the outside of both lower legs. The fibula is located close to the knee joint and is connected to the shin bone in a joint called the “Articulatio tibiofibularis” (Articulatio = joint, Tibia = … Pain in the fibula


Synonyms Clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, acromion, sternoclavicular joint, ACG, clavicle fracture, clavicula fracture, shoulder girdle Medical: Clavicle Humeral head (humerus) Shoulder height (Acromion) Shoulder corner joint Collarbone (Clavicle) Coracoid Shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) Function The collarbone has an important function in the context of shoulder joint mobility. Especially when lifting the arm sideways beyond the horizontal, … Collarbone

Zygomatic bone

Introduction The zygomatic bone (cheekbone, cheekbone, lat. Os zygomaticum) is a pair of bones of the facial skull. It is located at the lateral edge of the eye sockets and plays a major role in the lateral facial contour. Topography The zygomatic bone lies in front of the temporal bone (Os temporale) and below the … Zygomatic bone