Jaundice (Icterus): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Diseases that may cause prehepatic jaundice: Blood, hematopoietic organs-immune system (D50-D90). Hemolytic anemias (anemia) such as spherocytosis (spherocytic cell anemia) or sickle cell anemia (med. : drepanocytosis; also sickle cell anemia, sickle cell anemia): genetic disease with autosomal recessive inheritance, which affects the erythrocytes (red blood cells); it belongs to the group of hemoglobinopathies (disorders … Jaundice (Icterus): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Jaundice (Icterus): Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, body weight, body height; furthermore: Inspection (viewing): Skin, mucous membranes, and sclerae (white part of eye)* [yellowing of skin and mucous membranes, most likely seen in sclerae] Abdomen (abdomen): Shape of the abdomen? … Jaundice (Icterus): Examination

Jaundice (Icterus): Diagnostic Tests

Obligatory medical device diagnostics. Abdominal ultrasonography (ultrasound examination of abdominal organs) [stones, primary tumors, metastases (daughter tumors)] Liver and gallbladder (liver sonography). Pancreas (pancreas; pancreatic sonography). Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification. Computed tomography (CT) … Jaundice (Icterus): Diagnostic Tests

Jaundice (Icterus): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may occur together with jaundice (jaundice): Pathognomonic (characteristic of a disease). Yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes – most likely seen in the sclerae (sclera of the eye); yellowing also affects the internal organs and body fluids Icterus is visible as: Scleral icterus: bilirubin concentration of 2 mg/dl. Skin … Jaundice (Icterus): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Jaundice (Icterus): Therapy

Therapy for jaundice (jaundice) depends on the cause. General measures Limited alcohol consumption (men: max. 25 g alcohol per day; women: max. 12 g alcohol per day). Review of permanent medication due topossible effect on the existing disease. Avoidance of environmental stress: Phenol exposure Mushroom poisoning Regular checkups Regular medical checkups Nutritional medicine Nutritional counseling … Jaundice (Icterus): Therapy