Homeopathy for coughs

Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic remedies can be considered for a less stormy course (as opposed to a flu-like infection): Bryonia (bryony) Sticta pulmonaria (lung lichen) Corallium rubrum (precious coral) Rumex (Curly dock) Drosera (Sundew) Hyoscyamus (henbane) Senega (Senega root) Spongia (bath sponge) Bryonia (bryony) Typical dosage of Bryonia (fence beet) for cough: Tablets D6 … Homeopathy for coughs

Drosera (Sundew) | Homeopathy for coughs

Drosera (Sundew) Typical dosage of Drosera (Sundew) for coughs: Tablets D6 Further information about Drosera (Sundew) can be found in our topic: Drosera Pertussis-like dry, crampy cough Rapidly following coughing attacks, which make breathing almost impossible Thereby red head, shortness of breath, nausea Stabbing pain caused to hold the ribcage Cough worse at night and … Drosera (Sundew) | Homeopathy for coughs

Homeopathy for chesty cough

Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic remedies can be used for chesty cough: Aralia racemosa Conium Drosera Hyoscyamus Aralia racemosa Typical dosage of Aralia racemosa for irritable cough: Tablets D3 For further information about Aralia racemosa please refer to our topic: Aralia racemosa Irritant and tickling cough caused by dryness of the throat and irritation of … Homeopathy for chesty cough

Homeopathy for cough with sputum

Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic remedies are suitable for difficult sputum: The following homeopathic remedy is suitable for light sputum: Antimonium tartaricum Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum Ipecacuanha (ipecac root) Pulsatilla (meadow pasque flower) Antimonium tartaricum Typical dosage of Antimonium tartaricum for cough: Tablets D6, D12 Weakness (often child or old person) makes it difficult to expectorate … Homeopathy for cough with sputum

Coughing with sputum | Homeopathics for coughs

Coughing with sputum In case of chronic cough, phlegm can be easily expectorated Large-bubble rales on the lungs. Rich yellowish, sweetish and bad tasting sputum, can be easily expectorated. Patients feel weak and exhausted, every effort triggers coughing fits that can last a long time. During the night, patients sweat a lot. Sensitivity to touch, … Coughing with sputum | Homeopathics for coughs