Bellis perennis

Other termf Daisies, daisies General Bellis has a similar effect to Arnica. Please also see our Arnica topic. Use of Bellis perennis for the following diseases Conditions after injuries Crushes Strains Bruise Muscle pain with rheumatism and Overexertion Stomatitis Improvement through movement and massage Worse in the cold. Use of Bellis perennis for the following … Bellis perennis

Acidum sulfuricum

Other termf Sulphuric acid Use of Acidum sulfuricum for the following diseases Chronic bronchitis Asthma Gastritis Arthritis Wear and tear on the joints Application Acidum sulfuricum for the following symptoms/complaints Rattling cough Coughing fits with subsequent weakness Whistling breath sounds Bad breath Sore oral mucosa Acid burping Constipation with mucous secretion In the menopausal years … Acidum sulfuricum

Agnus castus

Other termf Monk’s pepper Use of Agnus castus for the following diseases Depressions Impotence Use of Agnus castus for the following symptoms/complaints Depressive moods Daytime sleepiness Lifelessness With the help of larger doses excessive sexual arousal can be dampened All mucous membranes are sensitive and prone to redness, swelling and secretion of mucus Active Organs … Agnus castus

Aesculus hippocastanum

Other termf Horse Chestnut Please also note our topic horse chestnut from the field of naturopathy / medicinal plants. Use of Aesculus hippocastanum for the following diseases Venous congestion in the area of the pelvic veins, portal veinPlease also note our topic: Portal vein hypertension. – Varicose veins with a tendency to thrombosisPlease also refer … Aesculus hippocastanum


Other termf black night spider Use of Aranin for the following diseases Headaches Muscle aches Lumbago Arthritis Use of Aranin for the following symptoms/complaints Great unrest Hasty behavior Inner shakiness Aggravation of the complaints by: Improvement by: Lack of concentration Absent-mindedness Nicotine craving Alternately high spirits and sad mood Bad sleep and bad dreams Forehead … Aranin


Other termf Indian hemp Use of Apocynum for the following diseases Water retention in case of heart or kidney weakness High blood pressure Advanced heart failure Functional impairment of the heart valves Water retention in the abdomen Use of Apocynum for the following symptoms/complaints Overwhelming anxiety with compulsion to breathe deeply Permanent pressure on the … Apocynum


Other termf Dog parsley Use of Aethusa for the following diseases Diarrhoea with vomiting in children Summer diarrhoea Cramps in children (children who tend to cramp) Use of Aethusa for the following symptoms/complaints Dizziness Irritability Yellow-greenish diarrhoea Vomiting of curdled milk Tendency to circulatory weakness with tendency to collapse Aggravation with solar heat Active Organs … Aethusa

Acidum phosphoricum

Other termf Phosphoric acid Use of Acidum phosphoricum for the following diseases Bone growth disorders in children (rickets) Severe physical weakness Limb weakness Impotence Rush headache Gastric Pressures Vomiting Flatulence Use of Acidum phosphoricum for the following symptoms/complaints Apathy Concentration disorder Daytime sleepiness with nocturnal insomnia Nervous exhaustion Active Organs Some symptoms are aggravated at … Acidum phosphoricum

Arsenicum album

Other termf white arsenic Application of Arsenicum album General weakness and emaciation Invalidity Pallor Cold sweat Dry mucous membranes Pain is “burning” Pain is “burning” Dry cough with shortness of breath when lying down Weeping, itching, burning eczema Exacerbation at rest Improvement through heat Great anxiety and fear to the point of death. Effect The … Arsenicum album


Other termf Easterluzei Application of Aristolochia for the following diseases Menstruation delayed or suspended, discharge Diarrhoea with cramps Stomach pain with acid vomiting Cystitis Irritable bladder Prostate inflammation Depression Application for the following symptoms / complaints of Aristolochia Wetting at night Improvement through exercise in the fresh air and local heat General feeling of exhaustion … Aristolochia

Barium carbonicum

Fields of application Fields of application of Barium carbonicum (sometimes also: Baryta carbonica) are developmental disorders and delays in children, which can affect both physical and mental aspects. Barium carbonicum can also help with dementia of elderly people whose behaviour becomes “childlike” again. It is therefore mainly used either very early or very late in … Barium carbonicum

Asa foetida

Other termf Stinkasant Use of Asa foetida for the following diseases Gastritis with rancid belching Use of Asa foetida for the following symptoms/complaints Constant burping Flatulence Tormenting globe feeling in the throat Foul smelling secretions Worsening at night. Active Organs Gastrointestinal tract Autonomic nervous system Usual dosage Common: Tablets, (drops) D3, D4, D6 Ampoules D6