Flavanols: Interactions

Interactions of flavanols with other agents (micronutrients, foods): Tea and nonheme iron Dietary iron is present either in divalent form as a component of the heme molecule (Fe2+) or in trivalent form (Fe3+). Non-heme iron is found in plants, in dairy products, and in iron-containing dietary supplements, while heme iron is found mainly as hemoglobin … Flavanols: Interactions

Flavanols: Food

Flavanol-rich foods include: Cereal products Carob flour Fruit Apples with skin Apricots Bananas Blueberries Blackberries Strawberries Blueberries Peaches Plums Cranberries Sweet cherries Grapes Nuts Hazelnuts Almonds Drinks Green tea Black tea White tea Red wine Miscellaneous Dark chocolate Dark chocolate has among the highest content of flavonols, while these are not detectable in commercially produced … Flavanols: Food

Flavanols: Features

Clues to the functions of flavanols are provided by the following study results. Scientific studies Flavanols contained in cocoa have a blood pressure-lowering effect. This was the conclusion of a study by the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) of the Netherlands, in which older men participated. Those men who had consumed the least cocoa … Flavanols: Features