What should you consider when buying? | The protein bar

What should you consider when buying? The market for protein-containing products is large. Protein bars in particular are currently in vogue and are even offered in supermarkets and drugstores. There are numerous suppliers on the Internet with large price differences both at home and abroad. Consequently, there are also big differences in quality among the … What should you consider when buying? | The protein bar

Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

Introduction There are many foods containing protein. The proteins can be found in both vegetable and animal foods. Proteins have many important functions in the body and together with carbohydrates and fats they form the three main groups of nutrients. Many processes in our organism cannot take place without the help of proteins. Proteins are … Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

How much protein do humans need? | Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

How much protein do humans need? How much protein a person needs depends mainly on age, state of health and other external life influences (e.g. fitness level, addictive behavior). For a normally healthy person, the daily protein intake should be as follows: In the first year of life 2.5-1.3g protein per kg body weight. For … How much protein do humans need? | Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

When does supplementation make sense? | Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

When does supplementation make sense? Supplementation with proteins makes sense if the body cannot synthesize the desired amount of amino acids for various reasons, if the intake of proteins is prevented or if the daily requirement cannot be covered by the diet. Supplementation with proteins can also be useful for athletes who want to gain … When does supplementation make sense? | Protein-containing food – These are the most important!

When should I take protein powder to build muscle | Protein powder for muscle building

When should I take protein powder to build muscle The myth of the “anabolic window” still haunts the fitness world. According to this myth, the intake of protein powder is said to be particularly effective in the first hour after training, as the body’s and muscles’ absorption capacity is particularly increased. However, this has been … When should I take protein powder to build muscle | Protein powder for muscle building

What do I have to consider when buying protein powder? | Protein powder for muscle building

What do I have to consider when buying protein powder? Not all protein powders are the same. There are numerous suppliers, even more types and, of course, the most diverse flavors. While the latter depends on your personal taste, it is worthwhile to find out about the different types of protein powders. Depending on the … What do I have to consider when buying protein powder? | Protein powder for muscle building

Why does the body need protein to build muscle? | Protein powder for muscle building

Why does the body need protein to build muscle? Muscle growth is a physiological reaction to an increased growth stimulus, i.e. the muscle is stimulated at high training intensity. The main reason for this is a higher weight and, to a lesser extent, a higher number of repetitions. The stimulation leads to an increased build-up … Why does the body need protein to build muscle? | Protein powder for muscle building

Protein Shakes

Anyone who wants to make progress in sports or, above all, who wants to build up muscles will only fail to achieve their goal with a sophisticated training plan. A suitable diet must be put together for the training. A protein-containing diet also helps in the attempt to lose weight. Proteins also play a key … Protein Shakes