What are the benefits of supplements? | Cartilage formation

What are the benefits of supplements? Supplements (dietary supplements) such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are said to be another way to promote cartilage formation. Chondroitin sulphate is naturally produced by cartilage cells and ensures that the cartilage is more resistant. Glucosamine, on the other hand, is part of the cartilage tissue. When taken as … What are the benefits of supplements? | Cartilage formation

What is the benefit of gelatine? | Cartilage formation

What is the benefit of gelatine? Gelatine contains the protein collagen. Collagen is not only an important component of cartilage tissue, but is also found in tendons and bones. 10 grams of gelatine daily is said to promote the regeneration of cartilage. However, gelatine should not be consumed in desserts, as sugar can damage cartilage … What is the benefit of gelatine? | Cartilage formation

Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis | The right diet for osteoarthritis

Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis Just as a diet can have a positive influence on osteoarthritis, there are foods that should be avoided.These are inflammation-promoting and often generally unhealthy products. In addition, weight loss is also in the foreground here. Most expert and study opinions have in common that an essential part of … Foods to avoid in case of arthrosis | The right diet for osteoarthritis

The cartilage smoothing

What is cartilage smoothing? The cartilage forms a stable supporting tissue on the joint surfaces in the joints. This surface can be damaged by incorrect or excessive load or in the context of arthrosis. Patients often report pain and restricted mobility in the knee. Cartilage smoothing can be used as a therapeutic measure to remove … The cartilage smoothing

The sick leave after cartilage smoothing | The cartilage smoothing

The sick leave after cartilage smoothing After cartilage smoothing, patients are usually able to walk again within a short time. It may be necessary to use crutches for 1-2 weeks to relieve the knee and thus accelerate recovery. Even if it still takes 2-4 weeks before the patient is fully loaded, work can be resumed … The sick leave after cartilage smoothing | The cartilage smoothing