Therapy | Scaphoid fracture in the foot

Therapy A scaphoid fracture is usually treated conservatively. If the bones have not shifted against each other and do not restrict the movement of the foot, a plaster cast is applied. This immobilizes the foot for several weeks in everyday life to prevent the fracture from worsening and to ensure healing. Physiotherapy can be performed … Therapy | Scaphoid fracture in the foot

Duration of the healing process | External ankle fracture

Duration of the healing process The time required for an external ankle fracture to heal depends largely on its severity and the resulting therapeutic method. In principle, a distinction is made between operative and non-operative, i.e. conservative, therapy. Non-surgical therapy begins immediately after the injuring trauma and one of its most important components is the … Duration of the healing process | External ankle fracture

Summary | Healing time of an external ankle fracture

Summary Regardless of the fracture type, external ankle fractures have a very good prognosis. After approx. 2 months, normal, moderate strain on the affected leg is possible again, and after 6 months at the latest, sports such as running or football can be practiced again. Complications occur only rarely with both conservative and surgical therapy. … Summary | Healing time of an external ankle fracture

Therapy | Treating a fracture of the lateral malleolus without surgery

Therapy The first measures to be taken by the layperson in the case of an external ankle fracture are cooling, elevating and relieving the affected foot. A doctor should definitely be consulted, as only he or she can determine the extent of the fracture and thus the necessary therapy through appropriate examinations and imaging procedures. … Therapy | Treating a fracture of the lateral malleolus without surgery