How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? | The healing time of a rib fracture

How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? The most important thing for the healing process is adequate protection together with sufficient pain medication. In order not to cause any new complaints after the fracture, the physical strain should be increased slowly and carefully afterwards. Since the body concentrates on building up new bone … How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? | The healing time of a rib fracture

Symptoms of skull base fracture

If there is a basal skull fracture, this can manifest itself as so-called liquorrhoea. This is the discharge of cerebrospinal fluid (liquor) from the nose or ear when the injury creates an open connection to the liquor-filled meninges surrounding the brain. In frontobasal skull base fractures, the cerebrospinal fluid usually emerges from the nose, whereas … Symptoms of skull base fracture

Shoulder blade fracture

Definition A fracture of the shoulder blade, also called scapula fracture, is a fracture of the bone in the shoulder blade. The shoulder blade (scapula) is a flat, almost triangular bone that occurs on both sides and forms the posterior part of the shoulder girdle. High levels of force applied to the scapula can cause … Shoulder blade fracture

Therapy of a calcaneal fracture | Therapy of a calcaneal fracture

Therapy of a calcaneal fracture As is often the case, when treating a calcaneal fracture, one has the choice between conservative and surgical treatment. Which one is chosen depends on at least two factors. First of all, there is the question of whether or not it is a dislocated fracture, i.e. one in which bone … Therapy of a calcaneal fracture | Therapy of a calcaneal fracture

Elbow fracture

The elbow is colloquially referred to as the region between the upper arm and forearm, where, in addition to important nerve tracts and vessels, the elbow joint is located. An elbow fracture is a fracture of the elbow joint, or the adjacent structures. The term is not clearly defined medically. In practice, however, in most … Elbow fracture