Ankle fracture

General A fracture of the ankle joint usually affects the upper part of the joint, also called the upper ankle joint. The upper ankle joint is the connection between the bones of the lower leg and the foot. Fractures affecting the ankle joint are a very common injury. The ankle is the third most common … Ankle fracture

Clavicula fracture

Synonym Collarbone fracture, clavicula fracture Definition A fracture of the clavicle is one of the most common types of fracture in children, and they are also relatively common in adults. A distinction is made between fractures of the clavicle, where the fracture of the middle third is by far the most common. The cause is … Clavicula fracture

Operation of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Operation of a clavicula fracture In most cases a clavicula fracture is treated non-surgically, i.e. conservatively. In newborns who have suffered a fracture as a result of a birth trauma, the fracture heals completely independently, so that no intervention is necessary. For older children and adults, dressing therapy, typically with a so-called rucksack bandage, is … Operation of a clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? Sleeping with a clavicula fracture is often very uncomfortable, especially in the beginning, because every little movement hurts. However, the pain subsides with time. Those affected often find it pleasant if the headboard is slightly raised and a pillow is placed under the arm … What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture In medicine, a clavicula fracture is classified according to Allman. This classification is primarily based on the location of the fracture. There are three groups of different localization: A classification can also be based on frequency: Group one describes a fracture in the middle third of the clavicle. Since this bone … Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Collarbone fracture

Synonyms Clavicula fracture Clavicle rupture Collarbone Fracture Overview The collarbone (lat. : clavicula) is a bone in the shoulder girdle and connects the sternum with the shoulder blade. It plays a major role in shoulder movements and maintaining stability. The clavicle fracture is one of the most common but rather harmless bone fractures. In about … Collarbone fracture

Diagnosis and preliminary examinations | Collarbone fracture

Diagnosis and preliminary examinations Once the collarbone fracture has been diagnosed, doctors weigh up the pros and cons of surgery and conservative therapy. In order to be able to make a decision, various preliminary examinations are carried out. First and foremost, X-rays of the clavicle provide information, possibly supplemented by CT or MRI. This also … Diagnosis and preliminary examinations | Collarbone fracture

Therapy | Collarbone fracture

Therapy A collarbone fracture can be treated conservatively or by surgery. If one wants to operate, the indication for this must be made clear. The most important criterion for surgery for a collarbone fracture is an open fracture in which the bone pierces the skin. Even severely dislocated fracture ends, i.e. fracture ends that are … Therapy | Collarbone fracture

Complications | Collarbone fracture

Complications Complications in the treatment of clavicle fracture can occur in both conservative and surgical therapy. Complications in conservative therapy: Complications in surgical therapy: Slipping of the fracture fracture (secondary dislocation) False joint formation (pseudarthrosis) Excessive callus formation with vascular nerve compression Cosmetically disturbing callus formation (distended clavicle) Vascular and nerve injuries (very rare): Below … Complications | Collarbone fracture