What is a golf elbow?

Synonyms in a broader sense Golf arm Epicondylitis humeri ulnaris Epicondylitis medialis humeri Golf elbow Tennis elbow Definition The so-called golfer’s elbow is medically called an epicondylitis humeri ulnaris (epicondylitis humeri medialis). Patients suffering from a golfer’s elbow have pain on the inside of the elbow, in the area of the bony protrusion where the … What is a golf elbow?

Duration | What is a golf elbow?

Duration The term “golfer’s elbow” does not mean that only golfers or athletes suffer from this disease. In fact, the “golfer’s elbow” occurs relatively rarely in athletes, usually as a result of a mislearned technique. Since the golfer’s elbow is caused by chronic mechanical overstrain, craftsmen, mechanics, road and construction workers or secretaries are particularly … Duration | What is a golf elbow?

Shock wave therapy for a golfer’s elbow | What is a golf elbow?

Shock wave therapy for a golfer’s elbow Shockwave therapy is used for the golfer’s elbow when the usual conservative treatment options for the golfer’s elbow have failed, but one does not yet want to go as far as to perform surgery. Meanwhile this therapy form is mentioned in the guidelines of the therapy. However, there … Shock wave therapy for a golfer’s elbow | What is a golf elbow?

Olecranon bursitis

Definition Bursitis olecrani is the inflammation of the bursa at the elbow. Colloquially, this inflammation is often referred to as “student elbow”. A distinction is made between acute and chronic bursitis olecrani, which have different causes but a similar course. Causes An inflammation of the bursa of the elbow can have an acute or a … Olecranon bursitis

Diagnostics | Olecranon bursitis

Diagnostics The clinical picture of bursitis olecrani in combination with the patient’s medical history (anamnesis) is usually sufficient for diagnosis. In order to be able to more accurately assess a possible restriction of movement, the doctor often tests the range of motion in the elbow joint. Additional examinations can be useful to find out the … Diagnostics | Olecranon bursitis

Elbow luxation

Synonyms: elbow dislocation, elbow dislocation, elbow dislocationAn elbow dislocation is a complete displacement of the parts involved in the elbow joint. This includes the sliding of the articular surface of the humerus out of its hinge-like enclosure by the ulna and the loss of contact between the head of the radius and the humerus. Anatomy … Elbow luxation

Therapy | Elbow luxation

Therapy In general, the joint should be repositioned as soon as possible, preferably within 6 hours. Otherwise there is a risk of vascular or nerve damage due to the close proximity. In the case of a dislocation without accompanying bony injuries, the aim is to reduce the joint and restore normal joint conditions. For this … Therapy | Elbow luxation

Complications | Elbow luxation

Complications Complications include vascular injuries in about 10% of cases. Especially in arterial vessels this is an acute emergency due to the high blood pressure there. Injuries to the nerves (ulnar, median and radial nerves) with paralysis of the musculature and loss of sensation of touch at typical locations also occur. In a not inconsiderable … Complications | Elbow luxation

Therapy of the golfer’s elbow

Introduction Compared to tennis elbow, golf elbow is less common, but the treatment is much more difficult and protracted. Especially the golfer’s elbow tends to chronicity if not treated early enough. Basically one differentiates the therapy The acute golf elbow should always be treated conservatively. Surgical measures should only be considered if the golfer’s elbow … Therapy of the golfer’s elbow

Treatment approaches for chronic golfer’s elbows | Therapy of the golfer’s elbow

Treatment approaches for chronic golfer’s elbows Symptoms older than 6 months should always be confirmed by an MRI of the elbow, as partial tears of the common flexor tendon at the elbow may be present after this period of illness. If the above-mentioned conservative therapy measures do not work, there is still the possibility of … Treatment approaches for chronic golfer’s elbows | Therapy of the golfer’s elbow