Liver Hemangioma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Liver hemangioma (or liver hemangioma or liver hemangioma) is a benign tumor. Usually, the hemangioma occurs on the head or neck; children are predominantly affected, although the hemangioma regresses on its own – until puberty. Liver hemangioma, on the other hand, is a rare form of hemangioma.

What is a liver hemangioma?

Hemangioma is a benign tumor. There are several different forms, the most common of which include cavernous and capillary hemangioma. As a rule, hemangioma manifests itself by a red spot or appears in the form of a bluish-reddish nodule. The classic hemangioma grows in the first years of life, but with time it becomes smaller and may disappear. It is usually a benign growth that is rarely associated with medical complications. Liver hemangioma represents a particularly rare form, but it rarely causes medical problems. It should be noted, however, that hepatic hemangioma must be examined at regular intervals. Only in this way can the physician be sure that the liver hemangioma is not growing in size or displacing the secondary organs. Since hepatic hemangioma rarely causes any symptoms, it is usually discovered only by chance.


To date, the cause of why liver hemangioma develops is not 100 percent known. However, there are several studies that at least reinforce the assumption that the hemangioma is related to estrogen, a hormone. If there is a connection of the soft tissue with the estrogen, a hematoma can form as a consequence. There is also a theory that genetics sometimes plays a role.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Hemangiomas are always associated with the bloodstream. It should be noted that hemangiomas always have a different appearance. If the hemangiomas appear on the surface of the skin, they resemble a ripe strawberry. However, if liver hemangioma occurs, they represent a swelling. As a rule, hepatic hemangioma does not cause any discomfort. Only rarely do patients complain of pain or a feeling of discomfort. For this reason, hepatic hemangioma is often diagnosed by chance. Thus, there are no typical symptoms and complaints which can be automatically associated with hepatic hemangioma.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Liver hemangioma is detected in the course of abdominal ultrasonography. It is usually an incidental finding because hepatic hemangioma does not cause any discomfort or symptoms. The hepatic hemangioma has a roundish to oval, rather sharply delineated and anechoic structure. If the physician decides to perform duplex sonography, he or she can also identify the feeding vessel. However, the physician can only make a definite diagnosis if he or she opts for contrast sonography. Here, the centripetal filling (i.e., from the outside to the inside) becomes visible – in German, this circumstance is also called iris blinding phenomenon. Furthermore, MRI or CT examinations can also be performed if the physician is unsure whether or not a liver hemangioma is actually present. In case of doubt, a commercial sample can also be taken (fine needle biopsy). Here, the liver is visualized during an ultrasound examination so that the physician can pass a hollow needle through the patient’s abdominal wall and prick the area to be clarified. The tissue removed is then examined under a microscope. In this way, all doubts can be cleared up, so that a diagnosis can be made with 100 percent certainty. Such procedures are used when there is sometimes a risk that a malignant tumor is present. Usually, the liver hemangioma regresses or remains unchanged, so that no further therapies are required. Since the liver hemangioma also does not cause any symptoms, in many cases it is not discovered at all or only by chance. Nevertheless, it is important that the liver hemangioma is checked and controlled at regular intervals. Even if the hepatic hemangioma does not cause any discomfort, it should be kept in mind.


In most cases, hepatic hemangioma is visible on the skin. It results in a relatively severe and bright red spot on the skin, which is not infrequently also associated with swelling.As a rule, however, liver hemangioma does not cause any particular discomfort or pain. However, those affected may suffer from inferiority complexes or lowered self-esteem due to the spots. Only rarely, depression or other discomforts occur. Furthermore, there are usually no particular complications. The treatment of this complaint is carried out with the help of medications and hormones. It is possible that side effects may occur. Only in severe cases the hepatic hemangioma must be surgically removed. Here, too, there are usually no particular complications. Complications can occur if the hepatic hemangioma is actually related to liver problems. In this case, the further course of this disease depends strongly on the liver complaints themselves, so that a general course cannot usually be predicted. In most cases, however, the life expectancy of the affected person is not reduced or otherwise affected by the liver hemangioma.

When should you see a doctor?

A hepatic hemangioma is usually discovered during a routine ultrasound because it does not cause symptoms if it is small. If a more precise diagnosis is needed, for example to distinguish a liver hemangioma from a metastasis without doubt or to determine a bleeding tendency, further examinations are sometimes necessary. In this case, a visit to a specialist for an MRI or another form of diagnostics is necessary. Some doctors also advise having a major hemangioma checked regularly. If the liver hemangioma is known, it is only acute symptoms that require another visit to the doctor. However, the liver rarely makes itself known with symptoms. However, it is advisable to visit the doctor for a control ultrasound of the liver in case of newly appearing, permanent or massive complaints in the digestive area. It is especially important to see the doctor in the case of a large hemangioma if there has been an impact to the liver area in an accident. Pain and swelling, as well as circulatory problems, are warning factors in this context, as a bleeding hemangioma can be a serious complication.

Treatment and therapy

As a rule, hepatic hemangioma is not treated. Since the hemangioma does not cause any symptoms, the patient only needs to go for regular checkups. During this checkup, the physician checks whether the liver hemangioma has grown. If there is no rapid growth, the liver hemangioma can be ignored. If the physician discovers focal nodular hyperplasia, it is checked whether the patient is receiving any hormone treatments. Those will be stopped subsequently. If the hepatic hemangioma occurs in a woman who is using birth control pills, the product must be discontinued. Subsequently, it is checked whether hepatic hemangioma disappears or becomes smaller. Whether hormone treatment can be continued thereafter must be decided on an individual basis. However, if the doctor finds that the hepatic hemangioma is growing or sometimes displacing neighboring organs, he must remove the hemangioma. Sometimes the liver hemangioma can also cause pain. Although pain is unlikely, liver discomfort should not be ignored once a liver hemangioma has been diagnosed. If symptoms do occur, the liver hemangioma is surgically removed. This is a non-hazardous procedure.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for hepatic hemangioma is favorable. The benign tumor causes symptoms only in very rare cases. In most cases, it is noticed only by an incidental finding, since it hardly causes any impairment in the human organism. In addition, spontaneous healing is documented in most cases. In a large number of cases, the undesirable tissue change gradually regresses on its own. Liver hemangioma is diagnosed primarily in children, who are normally free of symptoms by the time they reach puberty. Complications or discomfort occur in only a few patients. If the tissue change leads to neighboring organs being displaced, a treatment plan is drawn up for reasons of caution. In addition to regular check-ups, there may be a change in the intake of possible hormonal preparations. If a surgical procedure must be performed, it is associated with the usual risks and side effects. There may be disturbances in wound healing or sudden unexpected difficulties may arise during the procedure.Usually delays in the healing process are possible, because the removal of the hepatic hemangioma is one of the harmless methods of treatment. In very rare cases, sepsis may occur due to the developing adversity. Sepsis is a potential threat to human life and requires intensive medical care.


Because it is not yet known why hepatic hemangioma can occur in the first place, there are no known preventive measures. It is important for the patient to have regular liver hemangioma examinations so that the medical professional can respond quickly if the liver hemangioma grows.


Most people affected by a liver hemangioma do not have any special measures of aftercare available to them. It is a serious condition that must be treated by a physician. If left untreated, it can lead to the death of the affected person in the worst case, so a doctor should be contacted at the first signs and symptoms. However, in some cases, the condition recedes on its own, so that follow-up care is no longer necessary. In most cases, liver hemangioma is treated by taking various medications. The patient should ensure that the medication is taken regularly and in the correct dosage. Since hepatic hemangioma can occur especially in children, the parents are responsible for the correct intake of the medication. In some cases, surgical intervention may also be necessary, in which case no special follow-up is required. As a rule, this disease does not reduce the life expectancy of the affected person if it is removed in time. Even after treatment, regular checks and examinations by a doctor are necessary to detect possible further damage to internal organs at an early stage.

What you can do yourself

A liver hemangioma usually does not require treatment. The hemangioma usually does not cause any symptoms and only needs to be checked regularly to detect any growth at an early stage. If the liver hemangioma does not grow, the patient does not need to take any further action. However, attention should be paid to any unusual symptoms. If pain in the area of the liver or other discomfort develops, it is best to inform the physician. In case of serious complications, the affected person should call the ambulance service. Mild discomfort can be countered with sleep and rest. An adapted diet of sparing food and herbal teas can additionally alleviate the discomfort. Cooling compresses and gentle painkillers from nature can help against acute pain. St. John’s wort and lavender, for example, which can be applied as an ointment or drunk as a tea, have proven effective. In many cases, moderate exercise such as a walk in the fresh air or a short yoga session can help with abdominal pressure pain. If the hepatic hemangioma occurs in connection with taking the contraceptive pill, the drug must be discontinued. Until the hemangioma recedes, regular check-ups by the physician are indicated.