Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics

Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? In the program of the public health insurance it is common practice to support health-promoting preventive courses or to finance them completely. However, this only applies if the patient has regularly participated in the course and the course meets the general conditions of a recognized … Is the spinal gymnastics paid for by the cash register? | Spinal column gymnastics

Yoga Health Benefits

Today he knows Yoga, whether he has ever read about it, heard about it, or even participated in a course. But where exactly does this Yoga come from and what is it? The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and means “to bind or yoke together” but it can also mean “union”. Yoga has its origin … Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles There is a variety of different yoga styles. Not all of them are still connected to the original yoga. Especially in the western world there are new modern yoga forms that meet the demands of the fitness industry and current health trends. To the Yoga forms belong: There is also a variety of … Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Water gymnastics

Water gymnastics (aquafitness) includes gymnastic exercises and is practiced in normal swimming pools and also in non-swimmer pools. It is suitable for children, adults and seniors. Even obese people can benefit from aqua gymnastics because fat burning is stimulated. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to do endurance and strength exercises with less … Water gymnastics

Summary | Water gymnastics

Summary Water gymnastics makes it possible to reduce stress on joints, discs, bones and other structures involved. This is crucial, since certain diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc lesions, knee TEPs, hip TEPs, muscle atrophies and many more may not allow normal training on land. In addition, the water buoyancy and water … Summary | Water gymnastics

Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

The most important thing in self-exercises is the relief on the spinal canal. This is done by bending the spine. This pulls the vertebral bodies apart and enlarges the spinal canal. In addition, spinal canal stenosis usually shows an increased hollow back, which is why stretching exercises are performed for the M. Iliopsoas (hip flexor), … Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

How dangerous is spinal stenosis? | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

How dangerous is spinal stenosis? How dangerous spinal canal stenosis really is cannot be said in general terms. It depends on how severe the symptoms of the affected person are, how strong the constriction is, what can be seen on the basis of MRI images and, above all, what is the cause of the constriction. … How dangerous is spinal stenosis? | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

Which painkillers? | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

Which painkillers? Which painkillers may be taken and are sensible in case of spinal canal stenosis should be discussed with the doctor. Some people have an intolerance to painkillers, which is why the exact medication to be taken must be discussed. For pain relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can usually be taken. These are, for … Which painkillers? | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

Summary | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

Summary A spinal canal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal due to bony outgrowths or changes in the tendons and ligaments of the spine into the spinal canal. It causes pain and tingling sensations in both legs. Intensive physiotherapy, in which the spinal canal is enlarged mainly by traction, and self-exercises are intended … Summary | Which exercises for spinal canal stenosis

Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Heat therapy is a generic term for various applications in physiotherapy and physical therapy as well as balneotherapy. In general, heat therapy comprises all therapy methods in which heat is applied to the skin in various forms for mostly 20-40 minutes in order to achieve a blood circulation-promoting, metabolism-stimulating and muscle-relaxing effect. Fields of application … Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy