Bhagavad-Gita | Yoga styles

Bhagavad-Gita Bhagavad Gia means in Sanskrit the chant of the sublime. It is one of the most important scriptures of Hinduism and especially in Yoga. It was probably written around the 3rd century before Christ. The original author is unknown. A part of the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata, is said to have been written by … Bhagavad-Gita | Yoga styles

Hatha Yoga | Yoga styles

Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga is the original form of Yoga that deals with physical exercises. It is about conscious, powerful postures that are meant to supply energy to the body and mind. The movements are slow and relaxing. Nevertheless, muscles are strengthened, flexibility is improved and the sense of balance is trained. The aim is … Hatha Yoga | Yoga styles

Kundalini Yoga | Yoga styles

Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga is a less physical than spiritual form of Yoga. Nevertheless, the spiritual goal is pursued by the use of the body and breathing. Through breath synchronous movements the so called Kundalini energy should be released. Breathing is of particular importance. Exercises in Kunalini Yoga are not called Asana but Kriyas. One … Kundalini Yoga | Yoga styles

Anusara Yoga | Yoga styles

Anusara Yoga Anusara Yoga is a relatively new yoga style developed in the late 90s. It is mainly about opening the heart chakra. It is a mixture of Asanas from Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Iyenga Yoga. The breath should flow and also the spiritual attitude plays a major role in Anusara Yoga. The yogi … Anusara Yoga | Yoga styles

Yoga Health Benefits

Today he knows Yoga, whether he has ever read about it, heard about it, or even participated in a course. But where exactly does this Yoga come from and what is it? The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and means “to bind or yoke together” but it can also mean “union”. Yoga has its origin … Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles There is a variety of different yoga styles. Not all of them are still connected to the original yoga. Especially in the western world there are new modern yoga forms that meet the demands of the fitness industry and current health trends. To the Yoga forms belong: There is also a variety of … Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Stretching with one device | What is the best way to stretch the cervical spine?

Stretching with one device Those who have the necessary equipment at home or the physiotherapy practice is equipped accordingly, can also stretch the cervical spine with the help of devices. One of these devices is the so-called extension device, which helps to stretch and relieve the cervical spine. Another aid are TENS devices (TENS = … Stretching with one device | What is the best way to stretch the cervical spine?