Healthy Lemon: First Aid for Colds

Lemons are real multi-talents: so a hot lemon should help with colds and sore throats due to its high vitamin C content. In addition, lemon juice is also supposed to be good for the hair and help against pimples. But what’s the truth behind all these claims? We reveal why lemons are so healthy and for which complaints they actually have a positive effect.

Healthy fruit with lots of vitamin C

Lemons are extremely healthy. This is mainly because they contain large amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and can thus prevent the development of colds. In addition, the vitamin also acts as a free radical scavenger in the body: it intercepts free radicals and thus provides improved cell protection. Up to 50 milligrams of vitamin C can be found in 100 grams of lemon pulp. This already covers half of the daily requirement of vitamin C. Only a few types of fruit contain more vitamin C – including acerola cherries, guavas, papayas and blackcurrants. In addition to vitamin C, lemons also contain notable amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Hot lemon for colds and sore throats

Especially in winter, a hot lemon is a popular drink to prevent colds and sore throats. Vitamin C is namely particularly effective when taken preventively. But even if the infection has already broken out, you can still make yourself a Hot Lemon. Although this does not necessarily heal the infection faster, the immune system still benefits.

Prepare hot lemon properly

If you prepare a hot lemon fresh, you should not pour boiling water over the lemon juice under any circumstances. This is because vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and otherwise may break down before it gets into the body. Sweeten the hot drink with a little honey instead of sugar, because honey is also said to have a positive effect on colds – especially sore throats.

Lemon as an anti-aging remedy

Lemons are often used not only for colds, but also for skin care. Because the vitamin C it contains scavenges free radicals, the acidic fruit is said to have an anti-aging effect.

Effective against pimples?

However, lemons are said to not only keep the skin young, but also help against unsightly pimples. Despite their disinfecting effect, however, the use of lemons against pimples is not recommended, as the juice can cause severe skin irritation, especially for sensitive skin. 4 facts about lemons – ulleo

Lighten hair with lemon?

Lemon juice is used not only against pimples, but also to lighten hair. To do this, it is enough to put a little lemon juice in damp hair, spread it and then blow dry the hair. However, the juice is relatively aggressive and the hair can dry out due to the acid. Therefore, it is better not to use this method for hair lightening.

Lose weight with lemon juice

Lemons are also popularly used as a means of losing weight. Thus, a mixture of lukewarm water and freshly squeezed lemon juice is said to boost digestion. Radical followers of the lemon juice diet do thereby some days completely without solid food and nourish themselves only from lemons. However, this is a very extreme method, which is not healthy in the long term. The one-sidedness of the diet threatens negative health consequences: For example, a lack of fiber, proteins and fats can quickly develop. Since in addition no change of the nutrition takes place, is to be counted in addition on a JoJo effect after the end of the Diät. Use lemon juice therefore only well dosed and as a complementary measure to lose weight.

What lemons can still everything

In addition to the effects already mentioned, lemons are said to be able to help with a number of other problems. It is best to try for yourself whether the sour fruit is helpful for you in the following situations:

  • First aid for headaches: a freshly brewed coffee with a squeeze of lemon is considered an effective home remedy for headaches.
  • First aid for lack of concentration: according to a Japanese study, the lemon has a positive effect on mental performance: its smell is said to have an invigorating effect and combat concentration problems.
  • First aid for calluses: Give plenty of lemon juice on a small cloth and then place it on the area affected by calluses.Then the callus can be carefully removed with a pumice stone. Finally, rub the area generously with a greasy cream.