Home remedy against fleas in bed | Home remedy against fleas

Home remedy against fleas in bed

The bed is unfortunately a popular place for fleas in case of infestation. This can often be recognized by small black crumbs in the sheets. If fleas are suspected in the bed, the bed should be cleaned thoroughly.For this purpose, the pillowcase and comforter cover, as well as the fitted sheet, pillow and blanket must be washed.

A high wash cycle (boil wash) should be chosen to effectively kill the fleas. The mattress itself should be aired and cleaned. A steam jet is ideal for this.

The bed frame must also be vacuumed and cleaned with anti-flea cleaning agent. There are some agents that are particularly suitable for cleaning the mattress. This is used, decanted in a spray bottle, for spraying the mattress.

Cleaning and spraying the mattress should be done several times a day for a few days. Alternatively, the granulate diatomaceous earth can be used. This is pulverized and distributed over the mattress. The whole thing should be left to work for a few days and then vacuumed.

  • A mixture of vinegar (vinegar cleaner is also possible), water and lemon juice can be prepared.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Fleas usually do not attack humans but animals. The classic example is the infestation of pets, such as dogs or cats. Here there is hardly any danger of infection, since the fleas are usually different from those that infect humans.

Furthermore, fleas can be counteracted by quick and thorough hygiene and other household remedies. If it comes nevertheless to an infestation by fleas, there are also different means for this. A consultation can also take place in a pharmacy. However, due to the usually high itching and scratching associated with it, a doctor should be consulted for safety’s sake, in order to determine whether further inflammation or infection may have occurred.

Which alternative therapy can still help?

There are many other alternative therapies to fight fleas. These include, for example, scattering baking powder, i.e. sodium hydrogen carbonate, or even table salt. Both substances make sure that the fleas stick to it and then die.

This can also kill eggs and larvae. Ideally, the substances should be distributed on carpets or other fabric surfaces. After a few days the cleaning should be done with a vacuum cleaner.

It must always be remembered that the vacuum cleaner bag is then disposed of. Other methods that can be used against fleas are the flea comb or the so-called flea bombs. The flea comb helps to comb the fleas out of the fur of the pets.

This can be of great help, for example, when there is uncertainty about the infestation. For this purpose, the flea comb is used on a white background to be able to see the fleas better. A flea comb can be purchased in various specialty stores. It automatically sprays a mixture of different active ingredients that work against fleas. Accordingly, it can be easily placed in the apartment and left for a few days.