Home remedy against itching

Itching is a general symptom that can occur on all possible parts of the body to varying degrees. It leads to an increased need for scratching in those affected, but this can, under certain circumstances, increase the itching. Often itching is harmless, but it can also be caused by various diseases.

These include numerous skin diseases, such as psoriasis or scabies, diseases of the liver, kidney and thyroid gland. Therefore, if the itching recurs or continues for a longer period of time, the trigger for the itching should be sought. If the itching is light and occurs occasionally, however, various household remedies can improve the symptoms.

These household remedies are used

There are various home remedies that can be used against itching:

  • Zinc Paste
  • Envelopes with cool black tea
  • Envelopes with cool horsetail tea
  • Envelopes with potassium permanganate
  • Aloe vera
  • Balloon vine
  • Potato
  • Vinegar water
  • Lavender
  • Saltwater
  • St. John’s wort oil

application: Zinc paste can be bought in the pharmacy or in some drugstores. After application on the itchy skin areas it is recommended to wrap the affected area with a gauze bandage.

Effect: Zinc oxide, which is contained in zinc paste, has a cleansing and regenerating effect on the skin. In addition, the paste has a regulating effect on the moisture content of the skin. What must one consider?

Zinc paste is particularly suitable for itching in skin folds or areas where the skin lies against each other. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Zinc paste can also be used for shingles and diaper dermatitis.

Application: For compresses with cool black tea, boil 200ml of unscented black tea and steep for about 20 minutes. After the tea has cooled, a cotton cloth can be soaked in it and placed on the itchy skin area. Effect: Black tea contains numerous so-called tanning agents, which have an inhibiting effect on the inflammatory processes in the skin.

This can relieve itching and the resulting pain. What do you have to consider? Black tea is best boiled up freshly and must steep significantly longer than is usual for consumption.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Envelopes with cool black tea can also help with insect bites. Directions for use: For envelopes with cool horsetail tea, two teaspoons of dried horsetail should be boiled with one liter of water for 10 minutes.

After the tea has cooled down, a cotton cloth can be soaked in it and placed on the skin. Effect: Horsetail tea has a regenerating effect and promotes the renewal of irritated skin cells. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and can thus relieve the annoying itching.

What do you have to consider? Alternatively, horsetail can also be used as a bath additive or tincture. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Envelopes with cool horsetail tea can also be used for bleeding/wounds or nail bed inflammation. Application: Potassium permanganate can be purchased in the pharmacy. For one envelope the solution must be diluted in the concentration of 20 drops to one liter of water.

The diluted solution can then be used for the envelopes. Effect: The effect of envelopes with potassium permanganate is versatile. The agent has a cleansing effect and disinfects the skin.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes itching. What do you need to know? Envelopes should not be used for more than 30 minutes and can be used up to three times a day.

For what other illnesses does the household remedy also help? Envelopes with potassium permanganate can also help with diaper dermatitis. Directions for use: Aloe Vera can be purchased as a gel in pharmacies or drugstores.

The gel should be kept in the refrigerator. Alternatively, a decoction can be made from fresh Aloe Vera leaves and used as an envelope. Effect: Aloe Vera has a regulating effect on the moisture of the skin and promotes regeneration.

It also has an inhibiting effect on inflammatory processes due to the vitamin E it contains. What do you have to consider? For the envelope, the leaves should be steeped in hot water for at least half an hour.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Aloe vera can also help with pimples or psoriasis. Application: Balloon vine can be used in various forms.

It is often purchased as an ointment in pharmacies. But the herb can also be used as tea. Effect: The effect of the balloon vine is based on the inhibition of inflammatory processes and the associated relief of itching.The balloon vine also has a regenerating effect on damaged skin.

What do you have to consider? Alternatively, the balloon vine can also be used as a tincture in envelopes. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

The Balloon Vine can also be used for psoriasis. Application: For application in case of itching, a potato is either sliced or planed. The potato pieces are then placed on the skin and fixed with a cloth.

Effect: The potato has a regulating effect on the balance of acids and bases in the body. The starch contained in the potato binds acids in the skin, which can relieve itching. What do you have to consider?

An envelope with potatoes should be left on the skin for at least half an hour. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Potatoes can also help with sore throats.

Use: Vinegar water can be made from apple vinegar and water. For this purpose 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar are used for one cup of water. Soak a cloth in the mixture and then dab the skin with it.

Effect: Vinegar water is highly acidic and causes the balance between acids and bases in the skin to be restored. This can relieve itching. What do you have to consider?

Vinegar water should not remain on the skin as a compress. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Vinegar water can also be used for colds and sore throats.

Application: Lavender can be bought as an oil in the pharmacy or drugstore. The oil can be mixed with a base ointment and then applied to the skin. Effect: Lavender has anti-inflammatory effects and also has a regenerating effect on damaged skin.

It also has a pain-relieving and disinfecting effect. What do you have to consider? Lavender oil should not be applied to the skin in pure form.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? The household remedy can also help with rheumatism, insect bites and coughs. Application: Salt water can help as a bath against itching.

For this purpose the bathtub should be filled with lukewarm water and sea salt should be added. Effect: The effect of salt water is based on the minerals it contains. These have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

This can reduce itching. What do you have to consider? The salt water bath should not be used for longer than a quarter of an hour, otherwise the skin will dry out permanently.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Salt water is also used for sore throats and colds. Application: St. John’s wort oil can be purchased in the pharmacy.

It is applied to the irritated skin and rubbed in. The time after a bath is particularly suitable for this. Effect: St. John’s wort oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It cleanses the skin and reduces existing pain. This can alleviate itching and the skin becomes more supple. What do you have to consider?

Since St. John’s wort has numerous side effects, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted before using it in the case of other existing illnesses. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? St. John’s wort oil can also be used for acne or psoriasis.