Homeopathy for eyelid rash | Eyelid rash

Homeopathy for eyelid rash

For the treatment of a rash on the eyelid there are no general and uniform recommendations available from homeopaths. A homeopathic treatment is roughly based on the type of rash, its appearance and any accompanying symptoms. For example, a rash that is very itchy, forms crusts and worsens in cold weather should respond well to the homeopathic remedy sepia. For swellings and blisters that burn strongly, the remedy Apis mellificia is more suitable. If you would like to take advantage of homeopathic treatment, you should seek individual advice from a pharmacist or homeopath regarding the recommended remedies.

How long does that take?

The duration of the rash on the eyelid can vary greatly. Often the trigger of the rash is not immediately obvious. If hygiene is maintained and the eyelid is protected, the rash should disappear within a few days.

In case of infections with pathogens, the healing process can be delayed for a few days. In the case of unexplained, long-lasting rashes on the eyelid, a doctor should in any case investigate the cause and monitor the therapy. Complications, for example with infestation of the eye, are rare but possible.