Homeopathy for tennis elbow

You can find everything about tennis elbow under our topic: Tennis elbow

Which homeopathics are used?

Apis (honeybee) Arnica (mountain welfare) Calcium phosphoricum (calcium hydrogen phosphate) Bryonia (red berry fence turnip) Potassium iodatum (potassium iodide)

  • Apis (honey bee)
  • Arnica (mountain lodging)
  • Calcium phosphoricum (calcium hydrogen phosphate)
  • Bryonia (red berry fenugreek)
  • Potassium iodate (potassium iodide)

Acidum formicicum is considered a general retuning agent. In the case of painful joints, the remedy is usually injected under the skin in the form of wheals in the appropriate places. Commonly used are ampoules in D4, D6, D12 and higher. In addition to pain in the elbow joint, patients complain of general tiredness and pressure sensitivity in the affected joint.


Stinging, burning, reddening, swelling and heat dominate the affected regions in the apis picture. A rapid onset of joint inflammation with joint effusion and swelling is also typical. Mostly the patient has the feeling of burning heat at the affected elbow combined with strong sensitivity to touch.

The pain has a stabbing character. Heat exposure is perceived as unbearable. It is also noticeable that the patient is not very thirsty and complains of a general feeling of exhaustion. All complaints are worsened in the afternoon and by heat. Improvement through cold applications and fresh, cool air.

ArnicaMining Rental

Arnica is the first remedy to alleviate the immediate consequences of shock, falls, abrasions, bleeding wounds, blunt object injuries and joint inflammation caused by overwork. It initiates the healing process of injured tissues. They heal faster, more comfortably and reliably.

The pain is relieved. The plant grows exactly where a fall can have the most far-reaching consequences: in the mountains. The homeopathic remedy is prepared from the dried, powdered rootstock, sometimes also from the whole, fresh plant or dried flowers.

Arnica is especially suitable for patients who are prone to moroseness and have the desire to be left alone. They are often muscular, hard, strong people with red-blue face. They believe that they can solve problems with strength: fast, fierce, bossy, commanding, haughty, arrogant.

One imagines illnesses and is afraid of sudden death. Hopelessness, indifference, inner restlessness, nightly tossing and turning, which is then attributed to the “too hard bed”. Nightmares, from which one wakes up scared to death and takes hold of the heart.

Absence of mind and lack of concentration, because one is easily distracted or collapses in shock. Patients are unreasonable and do not want to go to the doctor or send the doctor or nurse away because they are not ill. Arnica is the remedy for aching muscles after unusual movement, shattering jokes, sprains, tennis elbows. Also consequences of psychological injuries like insults and insults.

The head hurts and dizziness and drowsiness follow every excitement. Consequences of overexertion of physical and mental nature (for example insomnia after overwork) are improved by Arnica. Other indications are aversion to milk and meat as well as cravings for sweet and sour preserves and pickled foods.

Bad smelling bowel movements. Every bruise, fracture, vibration, dislocation accompanied by bruising requires Arnica D6 5 drops every half hour until the pain subsides. As soon as the pain reoccurs, 5-10 drops are given again.

Any accidental shock or suddenly occurring joint pain can be relieved with the immediate administration of Arnica. For longer therapy, for example, in case of sprains or inflammation in the joint, 1 tablet of D2 3 times a day is recommended. Arnica essence is used externally as a compress (one teaspoon to a cup of water) for bruises, strains, closed fractures, not for open wounds.

It has a pain-relieving effect and promotes swelling reduction. The above mentioned complaints are aggravated by movement, vibration, light pressure and heat. Lying down and positioning the head lower than the feet can bring relief.