How can the pain of appendicitis be influenced? | Pain with appendicitis

How can the pain of appendicitis be influenced?

As with most pains, the affected person usually finds a posture of his or her own in which the pain is more bearable. In the case of abdominal pain, it often helps to bend the legs a little, as the tension in the abdomen is less. Certain movements can intensify the pain, which is why the affected person refrains from making them on his own.

In the case of appendicitis, this often results in a slight limping. Some affected persons can also be helped by a warming pad or a hot water bottle. However, the pain will not disappear with these measures, but will continue to increase.

Which painkillers can help with appendicitis?

Basically, in the case of appendicitis, pain therapy is not a complete treatment. An appendicitis is an emergency and the affected person should visit a hospital as soon as possible. Taking painkillers on your own can reduce the pain and make it more bearable, but this increases the risk of underestimating the pain and thus of treating it too late.In addition to the danger of underestimation, the use of painkillers can also make physical examination by the doctor difficult.

The initial clinical examination is often based on the triggering of certain pain points, which may then no longer be triggered. In the hospital, pain therapy can be initiated to bridge the time until the operation, which usually takes place the next day. Almost all painkillers, including opiates, can be used. The decision which drugs to use is made by the treating team.

What kind of pain should I go to hospital with?

Pain is an important warning signal for the body to show that something is going wrong in the body. Sudden, severe pain should always be clarified by a doctor. Since appendicitis can become life-threatening if treated too late, a hospital should be visited early and generously.

Especially in children, the pain can be untypical. A child with severe abdominal pain should be presented to a hospital promptly. Most adult people can very well assess whether the abdominal pain has a normal cause, such as hunger or flatulence, or whether the abdominal pain is acute and different from other events. Even if appendicitis cannot be confirmed, severe pain must be clarified, as there are other acute conditions requiring treatment that cause similar symptoms. In case of severe pain and the inability to go to hospital, appendicitis is a reason to call the emergency services.