Hypertension: No. 2 of the Deadly Quartet

In many people in Germany, the blood flows through the vessels at an increased pressure. The fatal: hypertension patients usually do not notice anything about it. But the health of those affected is continually at risk, because high blood pressure puts a strain on both the heart and the circulatory system and can result in serious secondary diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

Metabolic syndrome

Thus, high blood pressure is a real killer, which is why it joins the other three “B “s – elevated blood sugar, elevated blood lipids and abdominal obesity – in the notoriously deadly quartet. The advance of the quartet, whose interaction is also referred to by experts as metabolic syndrome, costs the lives of millions of people in the western industrialized nations every year. High blood pressure is one of the greatest concerns of treating physicians, because in many cases “only” mild symptoms such as dizziness, headaches and visual disturbances occur with permanently elevated values, but severe damage to the heart, kidneys and brain occurs in more severely affected patients. Since high blood pressure (above 140/90 mm Hg) is permanently asymptomatic or asymptomatic in many patients, it can develop into a deadly danger, because it leads to massive damage to the inside of the blood vessels – so-called arteriosclerosis. Those affected themselves are unaware of an imminent heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. The level of diastolic blood pressure – the “lower value” – is particularly important. It says something about the condition of the circulation in the periphery – the smallest arteries and arterioles. Diastolic values above 90 mmHg always require treatment!

Eliminate risk factors

High blood pressure can be brought back into balance in some cases by eliminating risk factors, such as a high-salt diet or obesity, and large amounts of cigarettes and alcohol. Light endurance sports such as jogging, swimming or cycling not only do the line good, but also ensure a healthy heart that is not under too much pressure. Speaking of pressure, it is equally necessary for a natural and gentle anti-hypertension therapy to avoid stress. An evening walk, autogenic training, reading a good book or the relaxing enjoyment of a balanced meal with plenty of fresh vegetables as well as fruit or fish are an optimal balance to the stressful workday and do both the soul and the heart particularly good.

Drug therapy

Nevertheless it helps nothing: If the blood pressure is permanently elevated, medication must be taken – and for life. Initially, the doctor usually prescribes only one preparation. For the blood pressure lowering this is not sufficient in many cases however, then different medicines can be combined also. Most people with high blood pressure receive such a combination therapy. It is also important for every blood pressure patient to have their blood pressure checked at regular intervals. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase a measuring device for home use.

The blood pressure

The blood pressure values of humans are stable within a certain range. A short-term and temporary change can be triggered by physical work, a change in position, pain, psychological influences or stress. Blood pressure is also subject to diurnal fluctuations: The highest values occur in the morning, late afternoon and early evening. During the midday period (especially after lunch), blood pressure drops significantly, and drops most sharply during the night. The blood supply to the individual organs varies at certain times. Thus, due to increased physical activity from the liver and spleen as a natural blood reservoir reserve blood can be activated.

Blood pressure measurement according to Riva-Rocci

The principle of blood pressure measurement without blood can be traced back to the Italian physician Scipione Riva-Rocci (1863-1943), which is why the abbreviation RR according to Riva-Rocci is commonly used for blood pressure measured on the arm. Pressure is applied to the upper arm through an inflated pressure cuff, which congests the arteries and severely restricts local blood flow. When the pressure is released, the typical “Korotkow’s noises”, can be heard with a stethoscope. These are caused by the blood being swirled, and therefore the movement sounds are audible. After reaching the diastolic value, pulsating noises are no longer perceptible.Blood pressure (RR) normally reaches a value of 120 mmHg in the brachial arteries in systole, and drops by about one-third of that value to an average of 80 mmHg in diastole. Blood pressure should always be measured at the same time, before eating and before taking antihypertensive tablets, unless otherwise ordered by the physician. Do not drink caffeinated coffee or smoke before the measurement. The values and conditions are to be noted in a blood pressure passport for control.