Inflammation in the spinal cord of the cervical spine | Inflammation of the spinal cord

Inflammation in the spinal cord of the cervical spine

The symptoms of myelitis can vary depending on the level of the spinal cord where the inflammation occurs and the intensity of the inflammation. If the focus of the inflammation is predominantly in the area of the spinal cord of the cervical spine, it is called cervical myelitis. Initially, there may be sensory disturbances, a feeling of muscular weakness and pain in the area of the upper extremities (arms and hands). If damage to the spinal cord tissue occurs predominantly on only one side of the spinal cord, a so-called hemiplegic symptomatology can develop, in which paralysis, reflex changes, paralysis and coordination disorders can occur in only one upper half of the body.In the worst case, severe inflammation with subsequent nerve cell damage to the entire cross-sectional area of the spinal cord of the cervical spine can lead to high cross-sectional symptoms.

Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain

Inflammation of the spinal cord (myelitis), like inflammation of brain tissue (encephalitis), can occur separately, but in some cases both structures can be affected by inflammation at the same time, so that this is called encephalomyelitis. Encephalomyelitis is observed much more frequently in clinical routine than inflammation of the spinal cord or brain alone. The cause of a combined inflammation is in most cases a carry-over of the encephalitis pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) via the bloodstream to the spinal cord, but an ascending infection/inflammation from the spinal cord to the brain is also possible.

Very rarely, a combined spinal cord and brain inflammation can also occur after vaccinations as so-called vaccination damage. Often, however, no clear cause for encephalomyelitis is found during the diagnosis. Typical symptoms of encephalomyelitis are high fever, headaches, vomiting, speech disorders, neck stiffness, mental disorders (symptoms of encephalitis) as well as paresthesia, back pain, paralysis or even symptoms of high paraplegia (symptoms of myelitis).