Is there parental benefit when I receive Hartz IV? | Parental allowance

Is there parental benefit when I receive Hartz IV?

The unemployment pay II, briefly ALG II or Hartz IV, is to finance the subsistence level for humans in Germany. In theory, Hartz IV recipients are entitled to parental benefits. In practice however the parents money is taken into account on the Hartz IV, so that parents go out in principle empty. A possibility on up to 300.00€ parents money monthly have the receivers of the ALG II, which worked until shortly before the birth. In this case the parents money depends on the income shortly before the birth, with 200, 00€ average salary, the Hartz IV receivers receive then 200, 00€ parents money in the month.

Is there parental allowance during maternity leave?

Maternity leave begins a few weeks before the birth of the child and continues for eight weeks after the birth. During this time the legal maternity protection period applies, which is intended to protect women.Maternity benefits and parental benefits serve the same purpose and are intended to replace the loss of income that starts with the birth. Parental allowance is available from the first month of the child’s life, i.e. also during maternity leave.

What are the requirements for parental allowance?

After §1 exp. 1 of the Federal parents money and parents time law are the conditions for the receipt of parents money as follows: One must have its domicile and/or usual stay in Germany one must be with its child during purchase of the parents money in a common household one must care for the child and educate one does not exercise at the time of the parents money purchase an occupation or works in part-time For parents, who brought a child to the world starting from 01. 07. 2015 apply in addition the new regulations to the basis parents money, parents money plus and the partnership bonus.

  • You must have your residence or usual stay in Germany
  • One must be with its child during purchase of the parents money in a common household
  • You have to care for and educate the child yourself
  • At the time of receiving parental allowance, you are not working or working part time