Lymphadenitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lymphadenitis, or inflammation of the lymph nodes, is technically known as lymphadenitis. It refers to an inflammatory reaction of the lymph nodes present in the body. Often, this is directly related to a previous illness; however, in some circumstances, lymphadenitis can occur without such an illness.

What is lymphadenitis?

By lymphadenitis, physicians mean an inflammation of the lymph nodes. This usually leads to swelling of the affected lymph nodes, which can sometimes be painful. Depending on where in the body the inflamed lymph nodes are located, the enlargements may be visible from the outside. Lymphadenitis may be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or general fatigue. Basically, acute and chronic lymphadenitis are distinguished. The causes of the inflammatory reaction may be bacterial or viral. The course of the disease and therapy also depend significantly on the cause.


In many cases, lymphadenitis results from a previous infection in the body. The lymph nodes have the task of supporting the body’s defenses; for this reason, the defense cells inside them become active when they register an infection. As a result, there is a swelling of the nodes, which are about the size of a pea. If bacteria or viruses get directly into the lymph nodes, an infection develops in them. It is not uncommon, for example, for respiratory diseases to be responsible for lymphadenitis. Tonsillitis, for example, can result in inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. Under certain circumstances, however, lymphadenitis can also occur without the presence of a corresponding previous disease: This is the case, for example, when bacteria settle in the tissue and thus cause an infection.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Inflamed lymph nodes are typically manifested by swelling of the lymph nodes. This is usually accompanied by general symptoms such as fever and fatigue. In the case of inflammation in the mouth area, swallowing difficulties, sore throat and painful itching may occur. In the course of the disease, the lymphadenitis often causes an indefinable fatigue in the patient, which already occurs in the morning after getting up and increases in the course of the day. This can lead to concentration problems and a general decrease in physical and mental performance. If treatment is given at an early stage, the symptoms usually subside quickly. The symptoms usually peak after a week. Only the sore throat may persist longer under certain circumstances. If the inflammation of the lymph nodes is not treated sufficiently or is treated too late, further complaints and, in the worst case, even serious complications may develop. Possible complications include weight loss due to difficulty swallowing, chronic sore throat, hoarseness, temporary loss of voice, and severe infection. In people with a weakened immune system, a superinfection may develop, which is associated with further complications. This can result in potentially life-threatening blood poisoning. There is also a risk of chronic disease with inflamed lymph nodes.

Diagnosis and course

The physician examines the inflamed lymph nodes. The attending physician can often quickly diagnose lymphadenitis. If the swelling of the affected nodes is visible, it can also be easily palpated. To determine the cause more precisely, a general blood test is performed. This provides information as to whether inflammation is actually present and whether viruses, bacteria or other causes are responsible. If in doubt, the affected lymph node can be punctured and the tissue sample obtained can be examined in the laboratory. If lymphadenitis remains untreated, it can weaken and affect the entire organism. If it is based on another disease, it depends on it how the patient’s health condition develops.


In most cases, lymphadenitis can be diagnosed relatively quickly and easily. For this reason, early treatment of this disease is also possible. Those affected suffer primarily swollen lymph nodes.These can lead to various complaints and considerably reduce the patient’s quality of life. In most cases, those affected suffer from sore throat or difficulty swallowing. It is also not uncommon for patients to develop fever and fatigue. The lymphadenitis also considerably reduces the patient’s ability to cope with stress, resulting in restrictions in everyday life. Those affected can no longer perform certain physical activities of everyday life without further ado and are not infrequently very tired. However, the further course of lymphadenitis strongly depends on its cause, so that a general course of the disease cannot usually be predicted. In the case of a flu-like infection, a simple treatment of this complaint is usually possible, so that the course of the disease is usually positive. As a rule, no particular complications occur. In the case of cancer, however, various complications may occur, depending on the type of tumor. In this case, the life expectancy of the affected person may possibly also be reduced by the disease.

When should you go to the doctor?

Lymphadenitis is manifested by fever, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing, among other symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms occur and cannot be treated by general measures such as rest and quiet. If severe sore throat, lassitude and other signs of inflammation are added, it is best to see the family doctor immediately. At the latest, if symptoms such as weight loss or circulatory problems occur, this must be reported to a doctor. Otherwise, life-threatening complications may arise. People at risk are mainly allergy sufferers, people with an immune deficiency, as well as children, pregnant women and the elderly. Lymphadenitis also occurs in connection with measles, rubella, chlamydia and rheumatoid diseases. Affected patients must inform the doctor about the symptoms and arrange for a diagnosis. The family doctor or an ENT specialist can be consulted for this purpose. Other points of contact are the lymphologist or an internist. Accompanying symptomatic treatment, the cause must be treated. In addition, the affected tissue must be closely observed to detect any malignant changes at an early stage.

Treatment and therapy

Once the attending physician has made a diagnosis, he or she will then initiate appropriate therapy. If the lymphadenitis is due to a flu-like infection, treatment may not be necessary because the symptoms usually subside on their own after a few days. If bacteria are the cause of the lymphadenitis, antibiotics are prescribed to kill them. It may be necessary to inject them directly into the blood; then the patient should go to the hospital for a few days. If the affected lymph nodes fill with pus due to the bacterial infection, they may need to be surgically removed. Otherwise, there is a risk that the pus will leak out and infect the surrounding area (in this case, experts speak of phlegmon). In the worst case, there is a risk of blood poisoning, which can be life-threatening. Schematic representation of the anatomy and structure of lymph nodes. Click to enlarge. If the lymphadenitis persists for days or even weeks despite medical treatment, it is advisable to examine the tissue itself to rule out a malignant change. Either a tissue sample or the entire node can be removed. If it is indeed cancerous, appropriate steps must be taken. This may include surgical removal of the affected tissue as well as chemotherapy to eliminate the cancer cells. To prevent negative effects on the body, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the lymph nodes are permanently swollen.

Outlook and prognosis

Lymphadenitis is easily treatable under normal circumstances. If medical treatment is sought, freedom from symptoms can be expected within a few weeks. If the immune system is stable, it will be assisted in the healing process by the administration of medication. The pathogens are killed by the drugs and then removed from the organism. Gradually, health improves until recovery can be documented.Often, affected persons also experience a cure if they do not seek any medical help. This is especially possible if the affected person does not suffer from any other health problems and has a strong immune system. With a healthy lifestyle and adherence to some guidelines from the field of self-help measures, significant relief and subsequent healing of lymphadenitis can be achieved. With sufficient rest, support and strengthening of the immune system on a natural basis, and avoidance of risks, self-healing can occur. The prognosis worsens if existing symptoms continuously increase or new symptoms develop. In the case of these disease developments, therapy must be initiated, since in severe cases blood poisoning can develop. This represents a potential threat to life and must be treated by a physician to increase the chances of improving health.


Because lymphadenitis can have various causes and often accompanies another infection, it cannot be directly prevented. However, a healthy lifestyle that supports the immune system is helpful. If swollen or painful lymph nodes are noticed, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the exact causes of the symptoms and, if necessary, initiate treatment.

Follow-up care

Aftercare then has the task of preventing complications and making the daily life of the affected person bearable. If the symptoms are not treated conclusively, it is not uncommon for further consequences to develop. The chances of recovery from lymphadenitis are considered good, which is why there are usually no complications afterwards. Doctors take great care to make an accurate diagnosis. This is due to the fact that other diseases can also cause the typical symptoms. Depending on the underlying disease that is causative for the inflammation, aftercare measures focus on getting it under control and preventing its recurrence. In the case of tonsillitis, for example, the treating physician will arrange for a blood test and, if necessary, order a throat swab. This clearly documents the success of the treatment. Nicotine consumption in particular should then be refrained from as far as possible. General measures such as a balanced diet and cold protection around the neck are considered the best measures against infections that can bring about lymphadenitis.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Mild lymphadenitis usually subsides on its own after a few days. Recovery can be aided with some natural remedies and self-help measures. Above all, rest and recuperation are important. The affected person should avoid stress and, if possible, also avoid stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes or alcohol. Instead, a balanced diet rich in vitamins is recommended. In addition, plenty of water should be drunk, because fluid improves lymph flow and accelerates the flushing out of toxins. A warm bath also helps and is taken with a soothing additive from nature for the best effect. Massage stimulates the function of the lymph nodes and reduces swelling. If the inflammation is mild, the massage can be repeated two or three times a day, preferably with an essential oil or lotion from the field of natural medicine. A good alternative is warm compresses. For this, simply dip a washcloth in warm water, wring it out briefly and place it on the swollen lymph nodes for five to ten minutes. A good household remedy is apple cider vinegar, which is best applied directly to the affected area. If the lymphadenitis has not subsided after a few days, a visit to the doctor is recommended.