Myopia and LASIK: Treatment, Effect & Risks

5 Situations where nearsightedness changes your life.

When difficulty in recognizing distant objects suddenly appears, nearsightedness is obvious. Depending on the severity of this vision disorder, myopic people may find it almost impossible to enjoy life without restrictions, as they repeatedly encounter hurdles. From the workplace to private life, nearsightedness can indeed drastically change life. Those who leave their eyes untreated often have to reckon with a worsening of this restriction. Normal-sighted people can hardly imagine the life of a nearsighted person. However, a glimpse into five life-changing effects can help jump-start understanding.

Poor performance in the workplace and at school

Schematic illustration showing the anatomy of the eye with myopia and after treatment. Click to enlarge. Nearsighted adults, as well as children, encounter a major problem in everyday life. Information that the teacher writes on the blackboard and also important details of the supervisor’s PowerPoint presentation are not recognized and accordingly cannot be absorbed. In the case of myopia, which is not treated as quickly as possible, this can have a significant impact on the performance level of the person affected. At the latest when this limitation in the form of poor grades or a failed project determines life, it is high time. Even if the nearsightedness is less pronounced and content can be recognized at a distance with difficulty, this will affect the speed at which the person works. So, nearsighted people without glasses or contact lenses are always inferior to their normal-sighted colleagues and classmates and cannot develop their potential. Doing without glasses or contact lenses is therefore almost negligent, because the desired results simply do not materialize. A possible solution for adults with myopia who are not comfortable with glasses and lenses is correction of the defective vision by laser. The frequent fear that this intervention is associated with great pain is dispelled under Shortly after the correction of ametropia, nearsighted people can finally show what they are made of.

Difficulty driving a car

The basic rules of the road traffic regulations can short-sighted still so well have internalized. If sharp vision in the distance is not possible, driving a car can become a great danger despite all theoretical knowledge. Not only for the affected person himself, but also for other road users and pedestrians myopia is life-threatening, because the concentration on the road traffic is no longer guaranteed. For example, nearsighted people cannot recognize street names and signage on the highway, or can do so only very late. The consequence of this is that it is often too late to indicate a lane change or a turn. In the case of severe myopia it can also happen that the car driver recognizes children at the crosswalk much too late. Accidents resulting in death are probably the worst scenario that can occur. Especially when driving a car, it is a situation that can extremely change the life of a nearsighted person. To help normal-sighted people gain a sense of this limitation, the video below shows how nearsighted people perceive their environment.

Making it more difficult to make friends

In social interaction, it is especially important to be able to recognize the faces of fellow people and friends. A friendly greeting from a distance or recognizing a good friend are essential things in this regard. For short-sighted people, however, maintaining friendships can actually be detrimental, at least in this area. Not infrequently, the impression arises that the person concerned is deliberately ignoring another person. Whoever encounters a counterpart with sensitive feelings here, violates them completely unconsciously. Thus, short-sightedness in everyday life can ensure that people contact with other people less often and completely unconsciously withdraw from the presence of others.

Perception of the environment

Nature has new beauties to offer every season. Short-sighted people, however, are simply denied a large part of these impressions.Colorful leaves on the trees are recognized in terms of color, but cannot be displayed sharply, and a view from a hill over a picturesque landscape becomes a disappointingly unspectacular experience. While people with normal vision can recognize every detail of their environment accurately, people with myopia lack this possibility. This is a great disadvantage for affected individuals, as it is not uncommon for them to feel very limited in their ability to enjoy the world and life to the fullest. Therefore, it is often heard that nearsighted people are completely overwhelmed by the varied and beautiful impressions that come their way in the first few days after the correction of their defective vision. Parents who observe such a problem in their children should look into the habits of their charges in everyday life. The Health Insurance Working Group indicates that spending more time outdoors and reducing the consumption of smartphones or even books can stop or at least drastically slow down the development of myopia in children.

Always these headaches

Easier to recognize than the causes of myopia are its consequences. One situation that significantly changes life and is a direct result of myopia is unpleasant headache attacks. The eye, which is elongated in myopia, can be driven to improve its performance only by great effort. This is where many nearsighted people make the so-called “blink face”, which is called “myops” in Greek and is the eponym for myopathy (=short-sightedness). In this case, two factors work together to promote headaches. Due to the great effort, the muscles around the eye tense up, which can affect the neck and shoulder area. Severe tension is the result. In addition, the constant overloading of the eye is a guarantee for irritation of the nerves. Constant headaches are the result. Those who leave this problem untreated and regularly numb their headaches with simple painkillers are doing lasting damage to their own health. Soon stomach or even liver problems set in due to the painkillers. Headaches caused by the painkillers themselves make this problem even worse.