Nausea | Headaches behind the eye


The combined occurrence of nausea and severe headaches is always suspected to be a migraine, which is usually accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound. The therapy of migraine attacks therefore often includes not only painkillers but also anti-nausea preparations such as Vomex or MCP, which should be taken before the painkillers. In addition to the nausea, however, other diseases can also lead to this combination of symptoms. In addition to influenza, which is mainly characterized by the additional fever and a severe feeling of illness, acute glaucoma (green star) can also lead to headaches and nausea. This clinical picture requires immediate presentation to the doctor, otherwise the optic nerve may be permanently damaged.

Treatment and therapy

Before starting a specific treatment, a diagnostic test should always be performed so that a therapy adapted to the clinical picture can be carried out. The treatment of sinusitis, for example, consists of taking light painkillers such as ibuprofen and using decongestant nasal sprays, whereas migraine is treated with stronger specific painkillers from the triptan group. In addition, a therapy of the accompanying nausea is usually necessary.

If the headache is related to tension in the cervical spine and surrounding muscles, the focus of therapy should be primarily on the performance of physiotherapy. Cluster headaches, which are accompanied by crushing pain, often present themselves as difficult and should be guided by a specialist. Triptans are also used in acute therapy, but are supplemented by inhaling oxygen.

However, the former are usually injected into the subcutaneous fat or administered as a nasal spray to achieve a faster onset of action. The therapy of acute glaucoma, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure in the eyeball, is either treated with pressure-lowering eye drops and, if necessary, also by their intravenous administration. In a few cases, it is even necessary to make a small hole in the iris with a laser to relieve the pressure. Inflammation of the temporal artery (Arteriitis temporalis) is part of the rheumatic form and is therefore treated by the administration of high-dose cortisone.