Under the term “rheumatism” hide themselves over 100 different disease pictures, which accompany all with complaints at the movement apparatus. Most of the time, pain and movement restrictions are in the foreground. Rheumatic diseases can affect people of all ages, both children and young or old people.
The German Rheumatism League divides the various diseases into four categories according to their mechanism of origin. They can arise from an inflammation (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis), a degeneration (regression) of structures in the musculoskeletal system (e.g. arthrosis) or a primary metabolic disease with rheumatic symptoms (e.g. gout). The fourth category includes diseases that predominantly affect soft tissues in the body (e.g. fibromyalgia).
What should you pay attention to in terms of nutrition?
Whether a certain nourishing style can affect the process of a rheumatism tables illness is discussed at present both by patients and by scientists controversially. There is much advice in many places, which should be examined however in the Vorhinein for their truth content and their conclusiveness. In general, increased inflammatory activity in the body can be demonstrated in inflammatory rheumatic diseases, for example.
It is assumed that food that counteracts this process leads to an improvement of the symptoms. In the case of rheumatic complaints in the context of a metabolic disease, however, the cause of the complaints is usually an imbalance between different metabolic end products. In this case, dispensing with or reducing these substances would lead to an improvement.
It is therefore important to consider how the personal illness developed and what the reason for the symptoms is before dietary changes are made. In any case, the diet should be balanced and contain all important nutrients and trace elements. Furthermore, the regulation of the total body weight also plays a decisive role. One should refrain from one-sided rheumatism diets, as these can lead to deficiency symptoms and thus to increased or even new complaints over longer periods of time.
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