Other alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathy for cystitis

Other alternative forms of therapy

Various forms of phytotherapy can be used to treat cystitis. These include drinking cranberry juice, for example. This has an inhibiting effect on inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and promotes the removal of bacteria.

For optimal effectiveness, a glass of juice should be drunk three times a day. Various phytotherapeutic foods, such as pumpkin seeds, horseradish and nasturtium, are also well suited to alleviating the symptoms of cystitis. Another alternative form of therapy is the rising warm footbath.

This allows heat to be stored in the body over the long term, which promotes the healing of cystitis. For this, a footbath is filled with water that has approximately the same temperature as your own feet. Then the feet are dipped into the foot bath and the temperature is increased by about 1°C every minute by adding new water. This should be done for a maximum of 20 minutes, after which the feet are dried.

Which home remedies can help me?

There are various home remedies that can help with cystitis. Drinking herbal tea regularly is a well-known household remedy that can be taken over a long period of time without any major concerns. The leaves of the bearberry and birch are particularly suitable.

Alternatively, ready-prepared herbal teas, as well as kidneybladder teas, can be purchased in the drugstore. The herbs contained have a stimulating effect on the expulsion of urine, which rinses and cleanses the bladder. Drinking herbal tea is also a good remedy for sore throats and flu-like infections.

Cranberries are another well-tried household remedy. These can be mixed into the food in fresh or dried form. Drinking cranberry juice can also be helpful in the case of cystitis.

The effect of cranberries is based on an anti-inflammatory effect, which calms the irritated mucous membrane of the bladder. In addition, the cranberries act against existing bacteria and thus ensure that the bladder is cleaned. When using cranberries on a regular basis, it should be taken into account that there may be interactions with medications that are taken at the same time.