Overstretched ligaments of the spine | The ligaments of the spine

Overstretched ligaments of the spine

Overstretching of the ligaments of the spine is caused by excessive movement, for example as a result of an accident or as a consequence of unnatural movements. In any case, a great deal of force is required for this, as the ligaments are usually very stable and are not so easy to lengthen. The most common causes of overstretching are jerky movements in a traffic accident or a fall, or the incorrect performance of sports exercises.

The symptoms associated with this range from a general feeling of instability to increased mobility and persistent back pain. In order to prevent serious late effects such as involvement of the spinal cord, medical treatment should be sought. If this is not possible, you should at least take it easy for a while. This can be several days or even a few weeks. This allows the ligamentous apparatus to regenerate and stability is improved.


The ligaments of the spine can also be affected by an inflammation. However, such an inflammation occurs relatively rarely. In contrast to overstretching the ligaments, however, inflammation leads to stiffening of the spine as a late consequence.

There are generally two possible causes for this. – On the one hand, a so-called ankylosing spondylitis can be the trigger. This is an autoimmune disease, which belongs to the rheumatic group.

This disease mainly affects the lower parts of the spine and the joint between the pelvis and spine, the sacroiliac joint. With increasing duration of the disease, the spinal column bends. Inflammatory processes in the vertebral joints and also in the surrounding ligaments of the spinal column lead to a complete stiffening of the entire spinal column.

In early stages, the disease usually manifests itself as nocturnal back pain and progresses intermittently and can lead to breathing problems in later stages. The doctor treats ankylosing spondylitis with anti-inflammatory drugs. – On the other hand, an inflammation of the vertebral bodies, which first spreads to the intervertebral discs and later to the ligamentous apparatus, can be the reason. This inflammation of the vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc is called spondylodiscitis. This disease usually has a local origin.

Back Pain

Back pain occurs in the majority of the population in industrialized countries. However, the causes of back pain are numerous and can range from very mundane to serious. The ligaments can also be the cause of this pain.

As already mentioned, overstretching can be related to pain. Acute or chronic inflammation is also a possible cause. However, the most common cause of back pain is incorrect strain on the muscles and insufficient training of these.

Among other things, this leads to a shortening of the muscles and ligaments of the back and the chest and abdominal muscles. Especially people who sit for long periods of time during the day or who work with a bent upper body are predestined for back pain. This can be prevented with sufficient, varied and targeted training.

In addition, you should pay attention to your posture during the day and include sufficient exercise in your daily routine. In this way ligaments and muscles return to normal length and the pain is relieved or disappears completely. Besides this, other processes can also cause back pain.

These include muscle tension after lifting heavy objects, herniated discs, age-related fractures of vertebral bodies, osteoporosis or signs of wear and tear, but also a pinching of a nerve, a tumour and much more. If the pain persists longer and is not dependent on movement, a doctor should be consulted. This could also be of interest to you:

  • Spinal training
  • Pain in the spine