Pain in the sinuses | Pain after wisdom tooth surgery

Pain in the sinuses

Especially after the removal of wisdom teeth in the upper jaw, the anatomical proximity between the long roots of the lateral teeth and the maxillary sinus can lead to complications, which, if not treated appropriately, can cause problems in the sinuses. During tooth extraction, a direct connection between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus can develop, a so-called mouth-antrum connection, which must be covered plastically with a mucous membrane flap, as otherwise infections can easily develop. This means that the dentist checks whether a connection has been made.

There are various methods to close this opening again. If the connection between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus is not discovered, the sinuses can become infected. The paranasal sinuses and the frontal sinus can hurt when the head moves and breathing through the nose can also be very difficult.In this so-called sinusitis, the symptoms only disappear when the inflammation subsides.

Inhaling herbal tea, hot baths and in severe cases the use of antibiotics can relieve the pain symptoms more quickly. If the pain persists, the family doctor or ear, nose and throat specialist should be consulted.