Physiotherapy for scoliosis

The spine has a certain shape, which is important for supporting the trunk in posture and movement. Due to the double S-shape, the forces acting on the spine can be diverted to adjacent joints. The double S-shape can be seen from the side.

Seen from the front and back, however, it is straight. If the individual vertebral bodies are torn out of shape in all three planes, this is referred to as scoliosis. Since the ribs and the pelvis are located at the spine, complaints can also occur in these regions.

Several concepts exist to treat this through physiotherapy. In the following text, exercises from the Schroth, Sohier and Gocht-Gessner concept are listed. These are frequently used in physiotherapy for scoliosis.

In all concepts, the goal is the active execution of the exercises. Before you start with the exercises, you should have them shown to you by a physiotherapist. Because it is precisely the correct execution that is crucial.

Without the right feeling for the exercise and the body, you could do a lot wrong and in the worst case promote deformation. The following exercises apply to a combination of thoracic scoliosis to the right and lumbar scoliosis to the left. This is because several sections of the spine are often affected at the same time.

A thoracic scoliosis to the right, is aimed at deforming the thoracic vertebrae to the right side. A lumbar scoliosis to the left is given when the lumbar vertebrae are deformed to the left. This can be seen in the view from the front and back.

In the case of deformities in the opposite direction, the same exercises can be performed, but with the focus on the other side. In addition, we have the right shoulder blade, which protrudes outwards due to the right shift of the thoracic vertebrae. 1) For the beginning we will go into the correct posture of the spine, which should be done before each exercise.

In this way, before any strengthening, you will have achieved a certain correction and brought the spine into the right direction, so to speak. First we bring the spine into the stretching position. Lie on your stomach.

The face looks down. Both legs are stretched out. The feet are turned towards each other.

In this way you have corrected the lower part of the spine by the position of the legs. In order to avoid getting into the hollow back, pull your pubic bone towards your navel (pull in and tighten your stomach). The position of the legs remains the same.

We direct our attention upwards and you push the shoulder blades backwards/downwards. The head is lifted and the gaze is directed downwards. However, head and thoracic spine are at the same height.

Now make your neck long. Keep the correct position in all areas. Duration: For beginners (4×6 baths) and for advanced (5×8 baths).

The break lasts about 10 seconds. For more exercises, please refer to the article Exercises for scoliosis. 1) For the first exercise according to Schroth two sticks are needed.

These are the same size and should be about as long as your upper body. Sit cross-legged and make sure that your back is straight. If this should be difficult in this position, take a normal or wedge pillow and place it under your buttocks.

Both sticks are placed vertically next to your hips, a few centimeters from them. The arms are slightly angled and the hands grasp the sticks, approximately at the height of her head. The stick on the right side is positioned a little bit more to the side than the left.

In this way, the right shoulder blade is already pressed towards the spine from this position. In order to get your spine in an upright position and to make it stretch, loll your upper body upwards. Now load your right buttocks and press them into the floor.

Hold this and press both poles into the floor. The right stick is guided a little more into the floor. Keep this tension in all parts of your body at the same time.

Walk in this order and try to hold everything. Combine the exercise with breathing. Bring your body into position.

Loll up and breathe in. During exhalation, put weight on your left buttocks and the two sticks and press them into the floor. In the inhalation phase, straighten up again.

Duration: For beginners (4×6 baths) and for advanced (5×8 baths). The pause is about 60 sec. 1) You sit down at a table and have a cushion between your right thigh and the table top.

Pay attention to the correct arm position and tension. The right arm is stretched upwards towards the ceiling. Turn your thumb forward and push the arm up to the ceiling.

Hold this tension.Combine this with the pressure of the left hand. This is placed on the table with the small finger side and the thumb facing the ceiling. Now push the arm forward, along the table top, while pushing the right arm up towards the ceiling.

This corrects the deformation in the thoracic spine area. 2) To include the lumbar area as well, press the right thigh against the table top with the tension in your arms. So that your knee is not loaded, you have the cushion in between.

Hold the strengthening body position. Duration: For beginners (4×6 sec.) and for advanced users (5×8 sec.). The break is about 60 sec. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises against scoliosis
  • Physiotherapy according to Schroth